By-laws of Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc. As approved November 21, 2013
The President shall supervise the affairs of the SMGO and discharge all the duties which devolve upon a presiding officer, and perform other such duties as these bylaws may require or the Board of Trustees may prescribe.
The Vice President shall perform all the duties incumbent upon the President during the absence or disability of the President, and perform such other duties as the by-laws may require or the Board of Trustees may prescribe.
The Secretary shall have the custody and care of the corporate seal, records and minutes of SMGO. S/ he shall keep or cause to be kept the membership lists of SMGO, shall attend all meetings of the members, and shall keep or cause to be kept a true and complete record of the proceedings of membership meetings and meetings of the Board of Trustees. S/he shall attend to the giving and serving of meetings, notices and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Trustees may prescribe.
The Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept correct and complete records of all accounts, showing at all times the financial condition of SMGO. S/he shall be the legal custodian of all moneys, notes, securities and other valuables which may from time to time come into the possession of SMGO. S/he shall immediately deposit or cause to be deposited all funds of SMGO coming into her/his hands in the bank or other depository designated by the Board of Trustees, and shall keep such bank account in the name of SMGO. S/he shall furnish at meetings of the Board of Trustees, or whenever requested by members of SMGO, a statement of the financial condition of SMGO, and shall perform such other duties as the by-laws may require or the Board of Trustees may prescribe.
DRAFT FOR Board Member Responsibilities
*The board of directors is appointed to act on behalf of stakeholders, to run the day to day affairs of SMGO Inc.
- Uphold the Purpose of SMGO Inc.
- Secure Members & Funding
- Lead by modeling the way for others
- Inspire a shared vision
- Challenge the process
- Enable others to act
- Encourage the heart and passion of others
- Develop external relationships to share our message
- Compel donors so together we can achieve measurable success of our surface water quality for fishable, swimmable, drinkable water.
DRAFT Event Coordinator – Job Description
Job Title: Grants Manager
Basic Purpose: To coordinate the development, writing, and submission of grant proposals. The position is also responsible for collecting and reporting data on the performance of program/grant activities. Will receive email and read grants in which SMGO may be applicable. Will report to the Board, suggesting potential grants SMGO should seek.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1.Performs grant writing functions, including proposal writing, research, reporting and other activities related to grants. Works closely with staff involved in the development and grants process. Knowledgeable in outcomes measurements and budgets.
2.Management of grant submission and reporting deadlines and reaching out to others to help develop future proposals.
3.Serves as the primary agency resource for statistics and data related to Vice Chair position. SMGO Board of Trustees should document progress of programs and submit them to Grants Manager. Grant Manager may also request this information if needed from time to time.
4.Develops and maintains Grants Calendar for fiscal year
5.Participates as assigned in other agency communication and development activities, as appropriate and assigned.
6.Perform other duties and special assignments as needed and appropriate.
Organizational Relationships: This position reports to the Vice President and will work closely with the Board of Trustees, volunteer staff and senior management related to grants and other agency related efforts.
Job Specifications: Bachelor’s degree. One year grant writing experience preferred with a proven track record of success; excellent writing, leadership, organizational, and communication skills. Applicant must have a valid driver’s license and vehicle at their disposal.
DRAFT TITLE: Biology Major
– To formally introduce Xyryl Pablo at Monday Monthly Meeting 10/06/2014
Practical Biological Surface Water Quality Protection Intern with SMGO Inc.
Requirement: 200+ hours
- Complete at least one (1) Surface Water Collection Day: to assist in the Upper Maumee Watershed Management Plan Implementation Indiana & Ohio (4 sites in the same day); TIME EXPECTED TO COMPLETE: less than 8 hours, and within 24 hours of the (1) Surface Water Collection Day…
- Intern will return within 24 hours to complete and log (1) Water Sampling (from previous day. TIME EXPECTED TO COMPLETE: less than 6 hours
- Temperature ~ Dissolved Oxygen ~ PH
- Chlorophyll A ~ Phycocyanin
- Biological Assessment of aquatic macro-invertebrates
Goals: bacterial pollution source identification and correction in the Upper Maumee Watershed, including field surveys, water quality sampling, data management, data analysis and reporting findings.
- Assist Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Board (as your schedule permits):
- Light data entry
- Event Planning and Event Participation
- Attend Meetings with Board Members
- Research scholarly articles to assist with SMGO’s purpose
- Upon completion of your 200 hour requirement, please submit a paper to Save Maumee Board of Directors about what you have experienced, and learned over the course of internship. Reflect on how your accomplishments and work has toward SMGO’s Purpose:
Description of Requirements 1 & 2:
Over the course of 24 hours you will collect the samples (DAY 1) and test the samples (DAY 2).
“National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data, USGS Water Quality Information. Book 9.”
The water testing protocol will be explained and mentored through Defiance College Undergraduate Student Liaison, Alison Rifenburgh PHONE: (419) 770-9849 EMAIL:
The next water sampling time is scheduled for November 2014 – please contact Alison previous to November with your schedule.
The Great Lakes Innovative Stewardship Through Education Network (GLISTEN): to harness the expertise and innovation of college faculty and undergraduate students to promote stewardship of the Great Lakes, an ecosystem containing 20% of the worlds fresh water supply.
For Further information about GLISTEN please visit:
The Upper Maumee Watershed Management Plan implementation may also have opportunities for water sampling upon release of the Upper Maumee Watershed Management Plan after February of 2015.
Knowledge of: elementary research and data collection techniques; use of personal computers and related software.
Ability to: communicate effectively, both orally and in writing in a multicultural workforce serving a diverse population; work effectively with a cross-section of watershed residents, businesses, specific interest groups and agencies; gather, evaluate and document technical data; apply technical data to practical in-field problems.
SUPERVISION The intern is trained and mentored by an administrative mentor as assigned. The work is performed with a moderate degree of independence and is reviewed through a short survey, periodic report and results obtained.
WORKING CONDITIONS Most work can be performed at your home, or school. Meetings will be announced the week before and will be at different locations. Some work will be performed outdoors in all types of weather conditions. The intern may be required to lift, move and carry objects between 20 and 50 pounds, crouch, crawl, kneel, bend, climb and balance. The intern may be required to work along the water’s edge, wade in streams, or work on the water in a boat. At times, the intern may be required to work evenings or weekends as necessary.
Thank you for considering us for an internship! Now that your college career has been successful thus far, you will learn how to work with others from a truly grassroots movement that has transformed our volunteer base into a successful local nonprofit! We have found our work to to be beneficial to students, providing quality life experiences in the outdoors, and letters of recommendation for their Educational and Professional development. Our students are assets to future development of the clean water initiative.
As our thirsty world grows, surface and ground water management, hydrology and the health of the biological condition of streams will be of utmost importance in the future! You will gain hands-on experience while working with water resource professionals to perform tasks such as water quality sampling, riparian area restoration and monitoring, data management and analysis and public outreach at our events.
APPLICATION DATE: _____________________________
APPLICANT NAME: _______________________________
PHONE: ______________________________
EMAIL: _______________________________
If you need a ride, please include your address for intern pick-up/drop-off:
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________
The purpose of Save Maumee Grassroots Organization is to preserve, protect and improve the ecosystems of the Upper Maumee River and watershed by increasing public awareness through advocacy, collaboration, education and hands-on projects. The organization operates as a charitable, nonprofit organization and is recognized as a 501 (c) (3) by the IRS. Our work since 2005 has been supported by memberships and 100% volunteer efforts.