If you own or represent a business or organization and would be interested in supporting our work reach out HERE and one of our board members will get back to you.

2025 Sponsorship Levels

Tulip Tree: $2,500.00 

Prominent logo with link on front page 

Multiple mentions on Social Media 

Company logo and name on all promotional material for events Mention in all press releases for events and updates 

Your logo and link to your website on the bottom of all SMGO mass emails Free booth space at yearly fundraiser and any other public events Opportunity to speak at yearly fundraiser 

Framed certificate to display at place of business/home 

Oak Tree:  $1,000.00 

Prominent logo with link on front page 

Multiple mentions on social media 

Company Logo and name on all promotional material for events Your logo and link to your website on the bottom of all SMGO mass emails Free booth space at yearly fundraiser and any other public events Certificate to display at place of business/home 

Maple Leaf: $500.00 

Certificate to place at place of business 

Logo & Link to website or social media page on our website on our sponsors section

Shout out & thank you on social media when you join 

Free booth space at yearly fundraiser or any public events Logo & link to business on our front page 

Sapling: $150.00 

Link to website or social media page on our website on our sponsors section Shout out & thank you on social media when you join 

50% of booth space for any public events