Programing for Save Maumee’s Canoe Trip at daily LANDING POINTS:

What time? RIVER TIME! That is part of the fun!
The Land Crew will be there so we can all wait for the Canoe Crew to arrive!

Saturday April 19
Public Programing in the afternoon ~ late afternoon Canoe Crew Landing

  • Canoe Crew lands at New Haven’s North River Road Nature Area between 5-6pm, but the Land Crew will be there for a riverbank restoration project to plant deep rooted native plants which will aid in diversity of fauna and flora and work against erosion.
  • Ivy Tech students are secured to help with the project around 3pm!
  • New Haven Parks & Recreation will be on site to answer questions.
  • The Allen County Partnership for Water Quality will be joining us on the water for the first leg of its journey and campfire discussion on the interpretation and education enroute from the Junk Ditch launch.

* EASTER MORNING Therevadan Buddhist Monks Blessing before canoes launch – 8AM

MORNING of April 20th
*EASTER MORNING before canoe crew launches FROM New Haven (SEE APRIL 19) Therevadan Buddhist Monks Blessing 8AM

                              EASTER Programing at ACRES Land Trust Blue Cast Springs ~ early afternoon Canoe Crew Landing

  • Stockbridge Audubon Society Fort Wayne -presentation on birds with Birder Ed Powers around 2pmish
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Rusty Hardesty to sell and present her homemade products named Earthywitch – bring your $
  • Celebrating this beautiful day with the enjoyment of ACRES Land Trust’s Nature Preserve ~ Blue Cast Springs

Monday April 21 ~ late afternoon Canoe Crew Landing

  • River Network’s (Great Lakes Region) will provide the Save Maumee Crew, and distant travelers, more specific information on how to help Save the Maumee more formally.
    * So if you believe in our mission and want to take the next step, River Network’s Paco Ollivides will teach us how to engage and be involved with this call of action!
  • During the day we will be visiting with Ohio’s Department of Natural Resources as the canoe crew crosses the State’s political boundaries into OHIO!
  • Campfire: Maumee River Drinking Water Challenge ~ hosted by Save Maumee

Tuesday April 22 –EARTH DAY! ~ early afternoon Canoe Crew Landing

  • Downtown Defiance, OH, near Pontiac Park, the paddlers will be stopping by for an afternoon of great events. Rain Garden Tours, innovative storm water runoff projects, bioswale and riverbank stabilization ventures, and much more. FIND INFO HERE:

* Sharon Partridge from Allen County Soil & Water Conservation District will help to explain how Save Maumee would like to assist the Upper Maumee Watershed Management Plan implementation:

  • “Work With Partners to Develop a Map of Recreational Opportunities and Potential Obstacles or Threats Along the River.”
  •  “Complete and Disseminate Brochures Regarding Recreational Opportunities and Potential Obstacles or Threats Along the River”

Wednesday April 23 – late afternoon Canoe Crew Landing

  • Invasive plant identification and removal
  • Water Scarcity on this Continent and Worldwide
  • Land Use and direct affect on water: Watersheds not only for the sake of water, but for the habitat – how to create habitat commons rather than property rights
  • 5pm INDIANA CAFO WATCH – Barbara Sha Cox  and 4th generation farmer  ~ associated with Socially Responsible Agriculture Project

Thursday April 24 – early afternoon Canoe Crew Landing

  • As we land, Matt Horvat from Maumee River Coordinator from the City of Toledo to help us to assess water conditions between Grand Rapids, Ohio and Perrysburg, Ohio ~ Discussion will be sparked upon the conditions of the water
  • Service project for DNR to reestablish vegetation in predesignated area  – Erosion control and seed planting to aid the Department of Natural Resources, Ohio State Parks to provide necessary and diverse vegetation to the area
  • 5pm Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor to present “Pirates, Renegades and other Scoundrels of the Maumee Valley. Contact Executive Director Angie Quinn, 260-450-2057 for more information. 

Friday April 25 – Mary Jane Thurston State Park Camping Area ALL DAY
We are stewards of 1/5 of worlds water supply

  • INFO & CAMP will be available all day at Mary Jane Thurston State Park
  • Johnny Appleseed is to make an appearance! WELCOME JOHNNY APPLESEED!
  • Bee Keeper, Maraiah Russell will present “Protecting Our Pollinators”  How Bees are related to habitat and diversity and represent the “canary in the coal mine.”

Meet us at Maple Street Public Boat Launch at 9AM

Paddle with us approximately 6-7 hours…

DESTINATION WILL BE: International Park Pavilion in Toledo, OH

  • Canoe Crew will be joined by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 16-15
  • Toledo’s “Food NOT Bombs” to discuss homelessness on the river and feed everyone at International Park Pavilion
  • Awards for paddlers and land crew


  • Geolocation: GPS mapping “Recreational Opportunities and Potential Obstacles or Threats Along the River”
    Thanks to Environmental Resources Center – Dr. Kingsbury & Robert B. Gillespie
    Thanks to Allen County SWCD – Sharon Partridge Hall & Matt Jones
  • Staging areas for experts “in the(ir) field” to answer questions posed during the trip and provide their expertise along our beautiful natural resource’s riverbanks.
  • Citizens action coalition to provide a mass spectrometer water test
  • Save Maumee Documentary Water AND Land Crew will be capturing all the action!
    Make sure to tell the cameras a story of why you love water and interesting experiences during our extravaganza during Earth WEEK!
  • News Media to join us and update the public on our progress

Everything Water: The Maumee Matters Earth WEEK QUICK LINKS