Safety Plan for Maumee Canoe Trip
DRAFT Updated:
March 21, 2014 – Defiance Hospital Health Manager, “the group poses no extraordinary risk…I suggest emergency rooms are posted, so they can be easily found.”
IF Emergency Room is needed CALL 911
St Joseph Hospital in Fort Wayne, IN located in Fort Wayne, IN downtown
Dupont Hospital in Fort Wayne, IN located on the boarders of Fort Wayne, IN
Lutheran Hospital Of Indiana in Fort Wayne, IN located on the boarders of Fort Wayne, IN
Parkview Health System in Fort Wayne, IN located on the boarders of Fort Wayne, IN
De Kalb Memorial Hospital Inc in Auburn, IN located on the boarders of Auburn, IN
Community Memorial Hospital in Hicksville, OH located on the boarders of Hicksville, OH
Defiance Regional Medical Ctr in Defiance, OH located on the boarders of Defiance, Ohio
Paulding County Hospital in Paulding, OH located on the boarders of Paulding, OH
St Luke’s Hospital in Maumee, OH located near Maumee, OH
Henry County Hospital in Napoleon, OH located on the boarders of Napoleon, OH
Maumee Office Northwest Ohio Urgent Care
1015 Conant St. 1421 S. Reynolds Road
Maumee, OH 43537 Toledo, OH 43615
Monday–Sunday, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m.–7 p.m.
7 days/week, 12 hours/day Phone: 419-725-6290
Phone: 419-891-0525
North Toledo Office South Toledo Office
1155 E. Alexis Road 924 S. Reynolds Road
Toledo, OH 43612 Toledo, OH 43615
Monday–Saturday, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Monday–Saturday, 8 a.m.–8 p.m.
Sunday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Phone: 419-720-7363
Phone: 419-726-6500
The Primary Care Network Airport Urgent Care
1421 S. Reynolds Road 5542 Airport Hwy
Toledo, OH 43615 Toledo, OH 43615
Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Phone: 419-865-6522
Phone: 419-725-6290
Sylvania Urgent Care Promedica Urgent Care
4405 N. Holland Sylvania Rd. 4235 Secor Rd.
Toledo, OH 43623 Toledo, OH 43623
Phone: 419-517-0146 Phone: (419) 720-3989
Mercy St Vincent Medical Center Oregon Urgent Care & Family
2213 Cherry St, Toledo, OH 43608 3232 Navarre Ave. Oregon, OH 43616
(419) 251-3232 (419) 691-0636
*City of Defiance Police Assistant Chief Jeff Mack was formally informed that our group plans to be in their area around April 22, 2014.
March 13, 2014 – Fort Wayne Fire Department was contacted to alert them of our presence on the Maumee and connecting streams. They have agreed to be present on sections of the water, to aid in the Fort Wayne leg of our 141 mile journey.
Committee Meeting February 13, 2014 3:33PM-6:18PM
Save Maumee Safety Plan & Medic Committee was initiated at the Save Maumee Monthly Monday Meeting on February 3, 2014. Currently drafting a list of specific emergency supplies that will be available on-land and in-water.
January 26, 2014
Pre-Planning for: April 18 through April 26 2014 Float Plan (141 miles) RE: Maumee River from our launch point at the Continental Divide (between the Mississippi and Great Lakes watershed) to Toledo, Ohio’s International Park. This has exact locations of permissions we are able to “put-in” and “pull-out.” Travel time is estimated generously, but we are estimating a faster current due to Spring drainage. Plans of previous canoe trip discussions have occurred and information sought about conditions.
Land Crew Scout: Abigail King will drive the route and map potential desirable emergency entry/exit points. She will attempt to contact land owners that have been identified to have desirable locations for emergency entry/exit points for JEEP access. She will work to acquire permissions to access the private properties via land owners.
Water Crew Scout: Fulton County Planning Commissioner, David Wright, will be the pre-trip-scout. Mr. Wright will paddle our designated course approximately one-two weeks before April 18th, 2014. This will give us a better idea of hazards and water conditions ~ which will be passed along to participants.
NO people under the age of 19 years old will be in our Official 20-25 Canoe Crew Volunteers. Children are not prohibited from the trip (per se), but if involved, they will be cared for by their own family or personnel, and should have the most oversight available from their caregiver or sponsor (i.e. Boy Scouts, College, Family). Caveat: DO NOT leave children on a cold, fast-moving, potentially contaminated riverbank. This is not prudent behavior for a parent or guardian.
Reference Data
- Canoe Trip on website:
Float Plan will be left:
1) Person Responsible for HARDCOPY SAFETY PLAN, CORRESPONDING HEALTH INFORMATION and Save Maumee’s Official Document for Float Plan will be held by Lead Land Medic, Bill White and/or Weather Watcher, Karen Ewing 260-402-5868 /
Click to access float_plan.pdf
2) At least daily updates will be available ONLINE as WIFI becomes available
text picture: 260-466-1852
text picture: 317-408-0116
Discipline – ALL participants will be asked to use their most prudent judgement on this trip. All participants, upon orientation will respect the rules and procedures for a safe unit activity float! The rules will be presented and learned prior to our launch and will be reviewed for all participants (especially if others are joining us along the way) at breakfast (8am) and at each launching point along our eight mornings. We request that all rules are fairly and impartially applied with common sense and good judgement to keep the fun from being interrupted by tragedy.
Protections: INCLUDED is Release of Liability and Indemnification Waiver: Directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives, and agents, the event holders, event sponsors, event volunteers: (B) Indemnify and Hold Harmless the entities or persons during this event from any and all liabilities or claims made as a result of participation in this event, whether cause by the negligence of releases or otherwise, even in the future.
Qualified Supervision – Save Maumee Safety Plan & Medic Committee are in the process of contacting the municipalities; fire departments, police department, and corresponding government agencies’ personnel so all are aware of our presence through their area. We understand that the time of year in which we are paddling has the potential for high, fast moving, cold water; besides the usual potential for drowning, injury or death when paddling on water. With our canoe crew of approximately 40 people, all of them will be over the age of 19, with the exception of my son, Canaan Eubank (18). All these people knowingly accept responsibility for one another during the trip. We knowingly understand that this river has more potential for harm, due to the State and Federal designation under the 303 (d) list of impaired waterways in the United States FOUND HERE:
Qualified Supervision of Health Professionals
1) Amanda Kaminiskas; Certified Paramedic-1 and trained in advanced life support,
2) Bill White recently retired from a 20 year medical career; Previous Certified Canoe Instructor, Water Safety Instructor Trainer, PADI Certified Rescue Diver, Certified Paramedic, Associate in Respiratory Care, Bachelor in Allied Health Sciences, CPR Certified, ACLS Instructor
3) Kara Tobias, Registered Nurse
1) Josh Eng, Certified Street Medic since 2012
2) associate from Chicago Action Medical (TBA)
3) Miranda Knight Health Care (CNA) – sweep boat
Physical Fitness – Our crew has been chosen based on strong swimming or strong paddling skills and will provide a list of significant health conditions (epilepsy, diabetes, asthma etc.) and is willing to sign waivers to release liability and to agree to medical attention if necessary. SEE PROTECTIONS
Buddy System – Each participant will have a “buddy” – IF their buddy is in the same boat, redundancy will be provided due to each boat being paired with a “buddy boat”.
In addition to the “buddy system,” the last boat in our troop will have a bright orange vest to identify he is the last boat. When the last boat orange vest boat lands, we do a head count of water participants.
Communication – Almost every person in the canoe crew will have cell phones on each boat to report emergencies or potential threats of a problem(s). IF cell phone coverage is not working due to towers lack of coverage at a location, we have 4 walkee-talkees to relay emergency information to the land crew / all medics and 40 whistles will be handed out at orientation and basic hand signals taught. Some communications will be via HAM / Amateur Radio CALL SIGN : KB9YTR. Station License held by Bill White.
- HAM / Amateur Radio CALL SIGN : KB9YTR
Station License provided and held by Bill White - Cell Phones – programed to Medics & GPS Mappers – Verizon coverage on almost all of the predesignated area map of our trip - 4 walkee-talkees (standard 11 meters) CHANNEL 12
EMERGENCY CHANNEL 9 (good for line-of-sight) - Hand Signals—Hand signals can be used any time paddlers are within sight of one another. A basic system of three or four messages (“need assistance,” “gather up,” “emergency”) will take care of most of our low-tech communication needs
- Whistle Signals (40 people will be given whistles) Whistles are useful when paddlers are within sight but not near enough for voice communication. We consider whistles (and horns) to be standard paddling gear
- Flashlights and Strobes – no plans include being on the water AFTER DUSK, but flashlights and strobes can be used to attract the attention of other paddlers and other vessels, especially in low-light situations. They can also be used to send specific messages (Morse code) and get around on land after dusk
Skill Proficiency – Participants confirm they are able to jump feet-first into water over-the-head. Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes:sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn. Float by resting face-up in the water for 15 minutes.
Itinerary – Launch 9am (last boat out by 10AM) – Traveling on average 14 – 15.5 miles per day and landing (at pre-designated landing areas) well before dusk. More information will be available as the date draws closer. Programing on the banks begin after the Canoe Crew Lands, we do a head-count of paddlers, and then eat together.
Local Rules — We will follow all rules specifically determined by state and local regulations. We are working with landowners and managers of public spaces to use or cross property so they are aware of our group. This will be done by setting up meetings and traveling by car throughout Old U.S. 24 to identify emergency pull out trespassing permissions.
Notification — We are filing our float plan and working to provide all safety requirements with the U.S. Coast Guard in Toledo/Cleveland Ohio. Municipalities, DNR and County personnel have been contacted or notified of our presence.
Weather — We will be checking the weather forecast just before setting out, and keep an alert weather eye. We will bring all craft ashore when rough weather threatens. Threat will be determined by weather and communication via Karen Ewing (260) 420-5868 or
Contingencies — IF the Maumee is AT, or BELOW “average flood height <12 feet” this plan continues. However, IF the conditions are ABOVE “average flood height” we will stop the trip immediately. If there is a thunderstorm OR water approaches “beyond average flood height >12 feet” ALL canoes and people will be notified to STOP and pull to nearest clearing or landing area that canoes are able to access and then wait for directions to be given via radios/cell phones / non verbal communication. The trailers will be notified to pick up paddlers and equipment from their location and head-count will commence.
Equipment – All equipment will be suited to the canoe, water conditions, to the individual, and be in good repair and satisfy all state and federal requirements. Spare equipment, repair materials and waterproof matches will be in the “Comfort Canoe” or with the land crew. Appropriate rescue equipment will be available for immediate use.
- Canoe trailer and two hauling trailers will move canoes in Defiance, OH (above Independence Dam) and upon completion of the trip, return canoes to Fort Wayne. These trailers can also be used in case of emergency pull-out.
- Wrangler JEEP 4-wheel-drive – driven by Lead Medic
- 4 large metal chains for pulling/towing
- 3 GPS devices with GIS capabilities
- At least 30 cell phones between the land crew and canoe crew
- 4 walkee talkees
- Extra rope – synthetic sheath of commercial parachute cord, graded from 32 strands and core is 7, two-ply yarns
- Several Compact Rescue Throw Bags
- appropriate (PFD’s) Personal Floatation Devices for each individual
- Knives – corrosion-resistant, stainless-steel blades attached by sheathes so they are easily accessed but prevent accidental punctures
- radios – Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (working to secure these)
- Flares—Signal flares for “long-distance” signaling devices
- 40 whistles will be provided for communication
- Cloth repair kit and full repair kit for canoes
Emergency Flags—Brightly colored emergency flags are designed to draw the attention of nearby paddlers or vessels. They are compact and easy to use, but they are effective only during daylight hours when conditions and visibility are good. Flags will be hung at the LANDING/LAUNCH daily location.
Safety for Rafting:
The following are the most frequent killers.
High Water. The river’s speed and power increase tremendously as the flow increases, raising the difficulty of most rapids. Rescue becomes progressively harder as the water rises, adding to the danger. Floating debris and strainers make even an easy rapid quite hazardous. It is often misleading to judge the river level at the put in, Since a small rise in a wide, shallow place will be multiplied many times where the river narrows. Use reliable gauge information whenever possible (USGS & Coast Guard- SUGGESTION NEEDED OF SPECIFIC GAGE INFORMATION TO BE REFERENCED), and our group is aware that sun on snowpack, hard rain, and upstream dam releases may greatly increase the flow quickly.
Cold. Cold drains strength and robs the ability to make sound decisions on matters affecting survival. Cold-water immersion, because of the initial shock and the rapid heat loss which follows, is especially dangerous. Everyone will be required to be dressed appropriately for bad weather or sudden immersion in the water. When the water temperature is less than 50 degrees F., it will become an immediate emergency for our group to retrieve the members of the capsized boat, emergency procedures will commence. We are suggesting wool, or to pile clothing under a waterproof shell. Our “comfort crew” will have changes of clothing, coats, socks and gloves to donate to the capsized boat individuals. But we are suggesting paddlers bring a change of clothing in a waterproof bag. If, after prolonged exposure, a person experiences uncontrollable shaking, loss of coordination, or difficulty speaking, he or she is hypothermic – if deemed necessary and prudent, one of our Medics will immediately take that person to the nearest clinic or hospital.
Strainers. Brush, fallen trees, bridge pilings, undercut rocks or anything else which allows river current to sweep through can pin boats and boaters against the obstacle. Water pressure on anything trapped this way can be overwhelming. Rescue is often extremely difficult. Pinning may occur in fast current, with little or no warning of the danger. Make sure to get behind your boat and crawl over it, so you’re not pinned against rocks or brush.
Dams, hydraulics & holes Only identifiable dams are the Hosey Dam in Fort Wayne (next to N. Anthony Bridge) and Independence Dam in Defiance, Ohio. Only “hole” is near Mary Jane Thurston State Park rapids area, which may be receded due to Spring hydrology. When water drops over a obstacle, it curls back on itself, forming a strong upstream current which may be capable of holding a boat or swimmer. Hydraulics around man-made dams must be treated with utmost respect regardless of their height or the level of the river. Despite their seemingly benign appearance, they can create an almost escape-proof trap.
Broaching. when a boat is pushed sideways against a rock by strong current, it may collapse and wrap. This is especially dangerous to kayak and decked canoe paddlers; these boats will collapse and the combination of indestructible hulls and tight outfitting may create a deadly trap. even without entrapment, releasing pinned boats can be extremely time-consuming and dangerous. to avoid pinning, throw your weight downstream towards the rock, this allows the current to slide harmlessly underneath the hull.
Overestimation of Ability
All paddlers have verbally expressed to have a frank knowledge of their individual paddle ability, and have stated that they will not attempt rivers or rapids which lie beyond that ability.
- Canoe Crew Paddlers are in good physical and mental condition, consistent with the difficulties which are to be expected. They have been asked to make adjustments for loss of skills due to age, health, fitness. Any health limitations must be explained to your fellow paddlers prior to starting the trip. In the HARDCOPY SAFETY PLAN, all paddlers will fill out a survey for health issues and medications.
- We have requested that all participants are practiced in self-rescue, including escape from an overturned craft.
- Many volunteers have stated they are trained in rescue skills, CPR, and first aid with special emphasis on the recognizing and treating hypothermia.
- Suggesting that individuals carry equipment needed for unexpected emergencies, but the Comfort Crew will provide anything needed that may have been forgotten by the individual; including foot wear, a throw rope, knife, whistle, and waterproof matches.
- If you wear eyeglasses, please tie them on and carry a spare pair. Do not wear bulky jackets, ponchos, heavy boots, or anything else which could reduce your ability to survive a swim or added weight to sink.
- Land Crew is required to spot canoes / canoe crew volunteers as they exit and enter the river to stabilize and to reduce risk of capsizing upon approach and departure
Despite the mutually supportive group structure described in this code, individual paddlers are ultimately responsible for their own safety, and must assume sole responsibility AT LEAST for the following decisions:
1) The decision to participate on any trip. This includes an evaluation of the expected difficulty of the conditions existing at the time of the put-in.
2) The selection of appropriate equipment, including having all proper survival gear for your personal use, in addition to the groups contribution of survival gear.
3) The decision to scout any rapid, and to run or portage according to their best judgment. Other members of the group may offer advice, but paddlers should resist pressure from anyone to paddle beyond their skills. It is your own personal responsibility to decide whether to pass up any walk-out or take-out opportunity.
4) All trip participants should consistently evaluate their own and their group’s safety, voicing their concerns when appropriate and following what they believe to be the best course of action. Paddlers are encouraged to speak with anyone whose actions on the water are dangerous, whether they are a part of a group or not.
Guidelines for River Rescue
Recover from an upset by rolling away from boat, upstream of the hazard whenever possible. Evacuate your boat immediately if there is imminent danger of being trapped against rocks, brush, or any other kind of strainer. BLOW YOUR WHISTLE IF YOU CAPSIZE OR SEE ANYONE ELSE CAPSIZE.
If you swim, hold on to your boat. It has much flotation and is easy for rescuers to spot. Get to the upstream end so that you cannot be crushed between a rock and your boat by the force of the current. Persons with good balance may be able to climb on top of a swamped kayak or flipped raft and paddle to shore.
Release your craft if this will improve your chances, especially if the water is cold or have been capsized by rocks or trees. Actively attempt self-rescue whenever possible by swimming to the shoreline, or closest area for safety. Be prepared to assist others who may come to your aid. BLOW WHISTLES
When swimming in shallow or obstructed rapids, lie on your back with feet held high and pointed downstream. Do not attempt to stand in fast moving water; if your foot wedges on the bottom, fast water will push you under and keep you there. Actively work to get to slow or very shallow water before attempting to stand or walk. Look ahead! Avoid possible pinning situations including undercut rocks, strainers, downed trees, holes, and other dangers by swimming away from them.
No rapids areas have been identified up to this point, but If the rapids are deep and powerful, roll over onto your stomach and swim aggressively for shore. Watch for eddies and slackwater and use them to get out of the current. Strong swimmers can effect a powerful upstream ferry and get to shore fast. If the shores are obstructed with strainers or under cut rocks, however, it is safer to “ride the rapid out” until a safer escape can be found.
If others capsize, CALL FOR HELP IMMEDIATELY go after the the PEOPLE first. Rescue the boats and equipment only if this can be done safely. While participants are encouraged (but not obligated) to assist one another to the best of their ability, they should do so only if they can, in their judgment, do so safely. The first duty of a rescuer is not to compound the problem by becoming another victim.
Rescue Tactics will be taught at Orientation: The use of rescue lines requires training; uninformed use may cause injury. Never tie yourself into either end of a line without a reliable quick-release system. Have a knife handy to deal with unexpected entanglement. Learn to place set lines effectively, to throw accurately, to belay effectively, and to properly handle a rope thrown to you.
When reviving a drowning victim, be aware that cold water may greatly extend survival time underwater. Victims of hypothermia may have depressed vital signs so they look and feel dead. Don’t give up; continue cpr for as long as possible without compromising safety.
Directions to follow in an emergency situation
CANOE Emergency Procedures:
1. The MEDIC or CAPTAIN will take charge to designate personnel to summon additional assistance and make the decision to call 9-1-1 if they deem necessary.
2. Communication system that is both audible and visible is established for calling canoers to shore (i.e. whistles & hand signals).
3. First Aid kit and FIELD MEDIC will be present.
Basic Canoe Orientation Shall Cover:
1 How to select and wear the proper size US Coast Guard approved PFD.
2. Parts of canoe and paddle.
3. How to select and properly hold a paddle.
4. Canoeing Safety rules.
5. Basic canoe handling and strokes (forward, bow draw, cross bow draw, stern pry, stem draw, back stroke).
6. How to safely get in and out of a canoe.
7. What to do if the canoe capsizes.
8. Communication system including distress signals.
A. Communication System established: audio / visual
Audio Everyone listens, call back information from boat to boat…IF you are too far away to hear, paddle quickly downstream, toward the boat in front of you. One long whistle blast – Activity stops and LISTEN
Three short, sharp whistle blasts – everyone paddles to bank indicated (repeat until all have heard).
Visual – A grand sweeping motion with one raised arm, moving toward the body and repeated several times (accompanies three sharp whistle blasts). Everyone paddles to the bank indicated by arm waiving in that direction.

- IF you see someone capsize their boat or appear distressed: Distress signal - Visual: raise both arms above head and wave back and forth in a slow crossing motion and IMMEDIATELY BLOW ALL WHISTLES
- IF YOU HEAR WHISTLES BLOWING, BLOW YOUR WHISTLE TOO to alert those within hearing distance
- ALL cell phones will be programed with medic crews’ phone numbers
- You realize someone MAY be having a problem (i.e. capsized boat, medical problem, someone yelling or producing proper emergency arm gestures). BLOW YOUR WHISTLE LONG AND LOUD
- Fellow paddlers will then dispatch “compact rescue throw bags” to anyone in the water and retrieve them immediately.
- Canoe Medic and Land Crew Medic will be called and dispatched immediately to the GPS location provided. The reaction from land crew and land crew medics will be immediate
- Reaction from land crew medic will be; to drive the JEEP (with chains attached to pull) to the water once the problem is identified as an emergency and exact location identified with Geographoical Positioning is identified by the nearest boat with GPS phone/GPS hand held device.
- Full medical evaluation will be provided on-site to the individual(s) and assessment given as to additional medical treatment to be sought (i.e. hospital/clinic).
APRIL 17, 2014 – Orientation for Official Canoe Crew AND Road Crew
Everyone, upon registration at Smith Road location, will be required to fill out paperwork and attend orientation class on April 17th, 2014 day/evening, exact time TBA.
8am FEEDING – get in your boat after you finish eating
9AM LAUNCH – NO LATER THAN 10AM for last canoe launch to assure landing area destination is reached well before dusk
8AM-10AM – at launch site location: we will have “rescue tactics” taught by a professional and review of Orientation materials: WILL HAVE A PRINTED COPY FOR THOSE JOINING UP TO READ & DISCUSS & AGREE TO
QUICK REFERENCE: Swiftwater Rescue Command Checklist: Adopted 1959 revised 2005
Specific Instructions via Previous Safety Planning & Orientation on April 17, 2014:
Safety Sheet / Release Form HERE: (will provide link TBA)
This is a volunteer event and we want everyone safe, but we are not responsible for injuries please sign the waiver if you haven’t already.
- Pick a BUDDY & A BUDDY BOAT so you can help & watch each other!
- The water is very cold, so if you do fall in – BLOW YOUR WHISTLE – this trip is during a Season that has a high potential for hypothermia.
- DO NOT intentionally get into the stream, the water is too cold during this time for play or garbage removal that may have the potential to capsize your boat.
- This is an information gathering trip. Do not spend too much time collecting garbage – take a GPS location picture and keep moving – you are required to reach the pre-set Landing Location BEFORE dusk
- Do not walk on unstable stream banks, disturbing these banks-including the vegetation growing upon them-can accelerate erosion and lead to more problems.
*Some of the plants you step-on may have been planted by restoration efforts! *We want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. - Don’t pick up any hypodermic needles, or other medical or hazardous waste or animal carcasses’ or manure but please notify someone to dispose of anything in question. DO NOT TOUCH DEAD BIRDS. (bird flu) – PHOTOGRAPH THEM
- DO NOT TAKE TURTLES OR FROGS or move / remove any mussels, it is illegal
- Be alert at all times for holes or obstacles near the riverbank or in the river itself
- MUST WEAR shoes that are in good condition and have traction.
* Wear gloves to protect hands and clothing that will keep you warm and dry - Be alert for stinging insects and animals – SMALL TICKS = LYME DISEASE, check each other often upon canoe landing
- Beware of plants. Watch for poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, and other skin-irritating vegetation. REMEMBER: leaves of three, let them be.
- Never wade in swift or high water, currents can sweep you away quickly!
- Any open soars or blisters would be a risk for infection because of the unsanitary condition of the river and/or objects that may have sat in river water.
- Do not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs because injury would be more likely.
- Never drink the water or put your hands near your mouth or nose, use hand washing buckets to clean hands often – sanitizer is not recommend – we use a bleach solution
* Be wary when eating and drinking if your hands have been in contact with stream water or garbage – CLEAN THEM
* Beware of your drinking cup’s lip -IF it is wet from river water-DO NOT PUT IT TO YOUR MOUTH, it has the potential to make you sick; flu like symptoms and infections
Save Maumee and all volunteers, directors, members, sponsors etc., in ALL capacities will be held harmless and be indemnifed , in any and all situations, that rise due to your participation or any member in your family’s participation during our trip and in the future. You as a participant will be held responsible for all actions and you will NOT hold Save Maumee et. al. responsible for ANY occurrences. You are participating on your own free will and willingness to volunteer to help your community.
This trip is for you and for the education for our community to learn by our experiences and gather information for academia. Thank you for your dedication to our work.