Application_for_Preliminary_Drainage_Plan_Review Checklist

Bullerman Subwatershed with road references DEETZ (map)

Drainage Board Construction Plan

1.1 Project:Site Information – Deetz Project Bullerman– tree species, location of project site, description of riparian buffer, zoning, ownership

1.6 Receiving Waters; Trier and Bullerman HUC12 – Maumee River receiving waters

1.12 MAPS Undeveloped site with current features – Rodenbeck #1 Drain; includes, direction of stormwater flow, Waters of the U.S., wetlands, stormwater outlet

Bullerman Site 1 Floodplain for Deetz Nature Preserve – floodplain boundaries

Bullerman Countours Site 1 – elevation of land, Deetz Nature Preserve

Deetz Property Boundaries – boundaries and description of land ownership