11th Annual Earth Day April 17, 2016
LOCATION: On the banks of the Maumee
June 6, 2016 UPDATE
Thanks to YOU, we planted all 380 trees on EARTH DAY!
- Officially counted 262 volunteers who worked between 525.9 – 528 hours on Earth Day ALONE with between 261 – 268 people signing in-and-out to log hours for the public event held on April 17, 2016.What species of trees did you plant? CLICK HERE
Sunday, April 17, 2016 3:15 pm
Volunteers celebrate Earth Day planting 400 trees
The Journal Gazette
|Past old brick warehouse buildings and a Huck Finn slide down the soil riverbank, able-bodied volunteers came Sunday with shovel and muscle to plant nearly 400 young trees.
More than 250 people celebrated Earth Day by lending a hand in some way to hack away at the invasive Asian honeysuckle – easily spotted as the earliest green along the river – and to plant the 380 young trees along 1,000 linear feet of the Maumee River.
The Earth Day event, at Wayne Street where it meets Glasgow Avenue and the railroad tracks near Dwenger Avenue on the city’s east side, was sponsored by Save Maumee Grassroots Organization. Money to buy the trees for this event and others this year and next came from a $50,000 federal grant from the U.S. Forest Service, said Lydia LaMont, Save Maumee’s president.
Down on the riverbank, Abigail King, vice president and founder of Save Maumee, worked planting trees and directed others. Volunteers hauled big buckets of water out of the muddy Maumee to water the young trees, besides the back-breaking work of digging. Species planted included oak, Ohio buckeye, hickory, sycamore, dogwood, spicebush and arrowwood.
“This is how you protect the riverbank,” King said, looking out at the river rolling by. “You give the water what it needs.”
Save Maumee’s goal is to plant 1,390 trees this year. Adding about 400 trees trees Sunday will capture nearly 23,000 gallons of water each year that will reduce flooding elsewhere, according to information distributed at the event.
The trees also reduce the sediment load to retain 190 tons of soil each year. Sediment makes the river brown, experts say, and represents the loss of wetlands.
Volunteers came as a result of social media and enjoyed perfect skies and 70 degree weather to carry out their goal. Bruce Allen has been volunteering for years and has gone to Washington, D.C. with the Save Maumee organization to lobby Indiana lawmakers on environmental legislation. Sunday he was hauling tires he found in the river up the riverbank.
“Kids used to think it was hilarious to roll them through the bridge,” Allen said. The new bridge on South Anthony Boulevard doesn’t allow that, he added. Allen also planted trees.
Barb Clark, a board member for Trees Indiana, spent three hours down on the riverbank and had mud on her boots and clothes to prove it. Clark was going home, she said, to plant yet another tree in her rain garden and then kick back with a barbecue and a Pale Sierra Nevada beer.
“She really means what she says,” Clark said of Frost-King whom she met at IPFW.
Of critical local importance is replacing the trees that have fallen victim to the emerald ash borer by planting a variety of trees, King said. “According to Plan-It Allen, Allen County’s comprehensive plan, most of the forested corridor along rivers and streams has been removed in addition to 24 percent of our tree canopy that is scheduled for removal due to damage caused by the emerald ash borer,” King further stated in a release. “Add all the concrete and rooftops and reduction of natural filtration devices like trees and you don’t need to wonder why we have flooding problems.”
The honeysuckle plant spreads because birds eat the berries, Allen said. The berries are mostly water with little nutrients, causing the birds to eat them down. When the birds eliminate their own waste, the seed is spread.
21 Alive –
- News Sentinal – “most ambitious local project” –
- Frost Illustrated –
- WOWO 1190 –
- 21 Alive –
- Journal Gazette –
- Another Journal Gazette with more pictures! –
- KPC Times (pg. 4) –
- Indiana Tech Law School –
…and because of YOU ~
LOCATION: 800 Glasgow Avenue, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803
Earth Day has always been Save Maumee’s largest event!
Are you looking for an adventure. Looking for something that is not the “average day?” COME FIND US! Save Maumee likes to do work where others cannot easily see progress, but know we always have water quality improvements in mind!
FREE EVENT, but you may want to bring your checkbook for added fun for the whole family!
- Learn how to property plant a tree: 11am
- Food NOT Bombs to feed volunteers
- Tie-dye a t-shirt (while supplies last)
- Face painting 12:30-3
- The Renz Brothers 11am-12pm to provide live entertainment for our listening pleasure
- 3:00pm – Soarin’ Hawk, Raptor Rehab will be bringing some of our feathered friends
Other Happenings
- The trees we plant here will be dedicated to Indiana’s Bicentennial #treeofhope project!
- Lucky Harley Davidson ride through to support Nature Conservancy’s efforts to plant 1 Billion Trees!
* Plant Happiness to assist tree plantings
* Old Crown Coffee will be served
* Snacks from Three Rivers Health Food Shoppe
* American Rivers, trash bags
* Fresh Thyme food
* Sports & Spirits will deliver pizza
* Young Urban Homesteaders vending plants & seed & food
* Hoosier Re-Leaf will be onsite for tree expertise
Save Maumee Riparian Buffer Initiative will be planing 1,390 trees in the drainage areas of the Maumee that are considered “most impaired,” according to the Upper Maumee Watershed Management Plan.
The areas that are in desperate need of more trees and plants along perennial streams are
1) Bullerman Ditch (below)
2) Six Mile Creek (map)
3) Trier Ditch (map)
Entire Map of Maumee Basin in Indiana

Bullerman Ditch Subwatershed is Earth Day’s project area for 2016! See if we will be working in your watershed!
Save Ma_mee ~ The only thing missing is U!

- SEE trees we will be planting over 2016-2017 planting season.
- Earth Day Press Release 2016
This is our first project that will be completed through the federal Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GRLI) and U.S. Forest Service grant. Save Maumee and the USDA are equal opportunity providers, employers, and lenders. CLICK HERE for full nondiscriminatory policy.