10th Annual
Canoe Clean-Up, Can YOU Clean-Up?


Save Ma_mee ~ The only thing missing is U!

September 9, 2017

Official count of volunteers 73
Pink ukulele, computer, porcelain doll, baby dolls, large fan for a motor, televisions, bike frame, couch cushion, large slide frame, pocket knife, 3 empty wallets, rusted 50 gallon drum top, broken wooden chair, dust pan, lots of single serving drink containers & plastic, cigarette bucks, RC car, condoms, tampons

CLICK for PICS 2017

2017 was the last year this area will ever look like this…Riverfront Development is coming!

Where: Fort Wayne Outfitters/Bike Depot Map
1004 Cass Street  Fort Wayne, IN 46808

FREE CANOE RENTAL WITH ID! From Fort Wayne Outfitters Bike Depot!

01-IMG_1165IPFW students on the Maumee River


  • Cleansing the St. Mary’s riverbanks of garbage helps water quality in Fort Wayne and downstream

  • Distributing leftover chaff from Earth Day! (“Chaff” is the the husks of grains and grasses that are separated during threshing, the membranous, brittle bracts of the flowers of certain plants – which contains between 10%-50% viable seed)

  • Donations are accepted not expected ~ $ helps to keep the fun flowing! Don’t just dream about clean rivers…Come out & help….if not you….WHO?

Well, the good news is we will be back again next year and the year after that – to plant native riparian seed, clean up the banks of the St. Marys River to raise awareness about the conditions of our beautiful waterways.

Our projects heart & soul is in our citizen volunteers! The river thanks you from its bottom! Rivers NEED YOU!