Save Maumee’s Riparian Buffer Initiative
Project 9 of 9
501 Rose Ave. New Haven, IN 46774
Rose Ave Specification Plan
Specifics of Rose Ave Site
October 18, 2020 Completed planting over 3 days
Bullerman Ditch Subwatershed (HUC12 041000050102)
Includes addition of 550 trees (25% shrubs & 75% trees)
1,400 linear feet by 64 feet wide of invasive removal (>89,000 square feet)
& large trash removal of historic rubbish
Physical Address: 501 Rose Ave. a.k.a. 435 Rose Ave. New Haven, IN 46774
Estimated gallons of runoff reduced = 35,513 gallons/year
Tree Species Selection: Yellow Buckeye, Ohio Buckeye, Shellbark Hickory, Bitternut Hickory, River Birch, Sweetgum, Redbud, Swamp White Oak, Swamp Chestnut Oak, Pin Oak, Overcup Oak, Shumard Oak, Peach Willow, Black Willow, Sandbar Willow, Sassafras, Bald Cypress, American Elm, Paw Paw (Indiana Banana), Persimmon, Yellow Birch, American Hornbeam, Hop Hornbeam, Northern White Cedar, American Beech, Hazelnut, American Sycamore,
Shrub Species Selection: Allegheny Serviceberry, Spicebush, Elderberry (American Black), Padoga Dogwood, Silky Dogwood, Aarowwood Viburnum, Nannyberry, Pussy Willow, Smooth Hydrangea, Buttonbush, Black Chokeberry, Red Chokeberry, Indigo bush, Red Osier, Winterberry
This site is along the Maumee River, within the Bullerman Ditch Subwatershed. The land surrounding this 57 acre plat, spanning over 7 Allen County Indiana parcels. Historically known as M&M Landfill. There was a signed 3-year agreement with owner, Gerald Martin. The tree plantings are no closer than 5’ from top of bank outward along the main stem of the Maumee River, upon legal specification maps prepared in July 2020, by Dan Ernst at Earth Source.
Planting of 550 trees will took place at the 3-day public event October 16, 17, 18, 2020. Project received a Floodplain Development Permit on June 22, 2020 by the New Haven Indiana Planning Office.
Due to the location of the tree planting, we needed to do an extensive approval process. Approximately 8.16 acres is a freshwater forested wetland, and all of the plating area lies within a floodway. 11 (of the 57 acres) is a capped landfill hill, and the reason that IDEM is involved. A list of notifications and correspondence is available.
Volunteers removed approximately 2,000lbs of historic trash from this site in 2020. Overgrowth was dense. Sign was placed in the most visible place near the parking lot to get to the tree planting, so people of all abilities are able to see it. This landfill property of 58 acres was donated to Save Maumee Grassroots Organization on December 21, 2020 by M&M Landfill, Jerry Martin.
Click HERE for event pics!
Planted 550 Trees over 3 Days
This is a private property site, but we are inviting you to come help make it better with us on event days!
- Please leave only footprints and take only TRASH.
- Stay on the paths
- Do not move wood, stones, wildlife and please be respectful.
- Planted 1 million seeds thanks to Eagle Marsh, Little River Wetland Project where our seed was collected in 2019! Thanks LRWP!
Don’t just dream about clean rivers…Come out & help….if not you….WHO? Don’t be anxious! Just come out and take a truly wild walk.
See the pictures from:
2020 October 3-Day Tree Planting of 550 trees at Rose Ave.
2020 Earth Day Trash Clean Up at Rose Ave
October 2019 Tree Planting of 482 Trees!
Earth Days 2019, planting 602 trees
Information regarding Rose Ave. outside of this grant scope!