Presentation: June 22, 2013 10:30AM – 11AM
Title: What can we do to make our 3 Rivers better; In-depth thought into surface water
Director, Abigail King said SMGO will release their new initiatives at RiverFest, that will “draw many eyes to the importance of water quality.”
“We plan to demonstrate the symbiotic relationship between stream health and how it is directly related to human health and recreation.”
By: Abigail King, Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Director & Founder
Save Maumee Grassroots Organization will be passing out native riverbank seed & chaff in salvaged reusable cotton-cloth bags at RiverFest. SMGO wants these diverse and desirable contents to be planted on any local streambank.
Directions on the bag include, “if you want these seeds to grow, and work to improve water quality; only plant where nothing green grows, dirt is exposed, near an open water source, in an area that will NOT be mowed. Then STOMP the seeds down flat with your shoes, flattening the open soil down, so it does not float away during the next rain.”
On 100% volunteer hours alone, Save Maumee has removed 26,728 lbs of rubbish from Fort Wayne’s Three Rivers. In place of the trash removed, the group planted over 2,000 trees and works to rehabilitate native species. Since 2005, hundreds of volunteers have planted 900 lbs of seed and hundreds of pre-grown plants to slow erosion and sedimentation on riparian areas. Strategies for erosion control through vegetation establishment has successfully promoted protection, raised awareness and inspired advocacy through educational hands-on projects. To date, Save Maumee has been a 100% volunteer group that depends on the “kindness of strangers,” with donations and memberships from the public to support their work public events.
2008 through 2013, Save Maumee Grassroots Organization was chosen by Healing Our Waters to represent northeast Indiana for Clean Water Week in Washington, D.C., meeting with Federal Legislators.
- 2011 Hoosier Environmental Council chose Save Maumee as “Indiana’s Organization of the Year”
The group encourages active public participation by joining Save Maumee at Hall’s Gas House from 7-8:30pm, the First Monday of Every Month Meeting.
Next meeting is August 5th, 2013 – ALL WELCOME
What’s in the reusable bag? Native riverbank seed & chaff, meaning it is the protective casing from the seeds & attached stalks, which help to keep the soil loose as propagation begins. These seeds are from the region, and will grow into plants that are acclimated to local climates and soil types and wildlife are adapted to this native vegetation. We want these diverse and desirable contents to be planted on any local streambank in an area that will NOT be mowed.
Directions: IF you want these seeds to work to improve water quality;
1) only plant where nothing green grows & dirt is exposed, near an open water source
2) Stir up the soil with a stick or shoe and gently work the mix into the ground
3) cover with less than 1/4th inch soil
4) press down with your shoe to keep it in the ground.
Notice the prices reflect value of our natural resources, and they are going up because they are not getting any easier to find!

DIVERSITY is very important. COST TO PURCHASE (based on 2013 prices)
Prairie Drop Seed $15/oz or $225/LB
Common Milkweed $11/oz or $170/LB
Tall Iron Weed $18/oz or $265/LB
Wild Bergamot/Monarda $20/oz or $304/LB
Evening Primrose $5/oz
Acorns that grow into Oak Trees $7/LB