We are working on a new format and schedule for our monthly meetings and will have an update soon. In the meantime, please check out all upcoming events HERE
Next Public Meeting
To be announced
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting October 4th, 2021
Call to Order: 7:34– President, Andrea Hamman
Present: Andrea Hamman, Nicole Harris, Jain Young, Yolanda Alverez
I. Introductions & Membership Acknowledgement:
- Introduce meeting participants
- New members this month Information Link HERE
New Members: Lauren Diddier
II: Current Business
- ROSE AVE REHAB– Land management update
IDEM Report: Due Oct 31st, (tabled)
Hill maintenance: Waiting to hear from a company to do the hill. Who did it before? Maybe Allison would know. (tabled)
- Brochure update- Paid $250, waiting for last minute edits before print
- Treasury Report: No access to PayPal, Andrea paid printer from her account and will take out $250 to pay herself back, PayPal situation has been resolved3Rivers has changed their app so all memos were lost, Andrea will try to retrieve, Jain says itemized supply list isn’t necessaryMonthly financial statement:Deposits-$466.00 from PayPalWithdrawls-$750.00 Land Insurance till 2024$14.00 website, connected to Abby’s account, Andrea has the card in her safe, should we try to change the name on it?Balance- $11,000 minus insurance paymentGaming account Balance- $1300 can be used for certain things, Andrea doesn’t have access at this point
III. New Business
- Grant Prospects- Misty Mehan asked if she could write a grant for us and work her payment into it. How, what to pay? Should we go big or several small? Jain says the smaller ones are harder to get. American Rivers has several coming up, we will check into them.
- Facebook Events- Schedule out for the whole year?, look into delayed release of events
- Welcome Packet- stickers, notecard asking how they heard about us, welcome letter, schedule 2 welcome meetings, spring and fall?, and tax deductible receipt, newsletter?, members only event schedule, (parties, night hikes, Educational meets, Friday night fires, etc) Survey at member meeting? World River Day?
- Education Committee- Interest from other orgs to host hikes, educational walks, should we start a committee, maybe write it into a grant for funding for educators? Focus on kids events
- Community Outreach- Need more tabling next year, get out there and talk to the people, more presence at city council meetings, etc
- 2022 Event Schedule- Try to have dates planned out by January, research big local events to make sure ours don’t fall on those days (ex. our Canoe Clean Up was on the same day as the Johnny Appleseed Festival)
- Made $30 at canoe clean up with 14 non board volunteers
IV. Interest Pieces
- Andrea asked about an intern, will look into requirements and more info on that, maybe a communication intern?
- Annual Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh, October 23, 2021 11am-3pm
- Weed Wrangle, at Rose Ave Rehab, October 24, 2021, 11-3pm -Details soon!!
- Annual Members Meeting, JK O’Donnell’s, 6pm-8:30 pm , November 2, 2021 info HERE
Adjourned: 8:23pm
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting September 13, 2021
Call to Order: 7:30– President, Andrea Hamman
Present: Andrea Hamman, Lauren Conklin, Nicole Harris, Justin Schiffli
I. Introductions & Membership Acknowledgement:
- Introduce meeting participants
- New members this month Information Link HERE
II: Current Business
- ROSE AVE REHAB– Land management update
Tree/trail check, maintenance, Hill maintenance, Invasives, Trash pick up
-Yolanda and Lauren have been working in section 5 pulling grape vine, cutting the honeysuckle sprouts, getting close to the end
-Need to have a conversation about trash by the pond, farmers are leaving trash when they fish, we need burmese signs, translator?
-Need to mow at least 4 times, 2 times is not enough. Justin will figure out who/how to get rid of the big trees this time but need more maintenance in the future. Nicole suggested we have some sort of contract drafted for mowing schedule so we don’t need to worry about it, Lauren will make a calendar and present it to Jonah, if he isn’t available we will hire another company
-Justin pointed out a Tree of Heaven that needs to go
-We need to walk in and find the baby trees, pull al the brush away from them, but be careful not to make a path to them. They aren’t doing bad but need more space, not much deer damage and Lauren thinks it’s because of all the tall grasses.
- Environmental Organization Event debrief
-Went well, Dirt Wain, Acres and a Lobbying rep came out, Lauren suggests we should do 3 or so a year, hoping to get the ball rolling on other orgs hosting.
-Team building trip to the Acres Flats, or maybe members only trip, everyone agrees having fun stuff for members is a good way to draw more people to us
-Work on planning member only events, free water bottle? Fire Fridays? Social aspect is a good draw, members dinner after Covid, Andrea has a propane outdoor heater
- CHAP: Sept. 11th, 2021 Hunter meeting, proficiency testing update
-5 came for testing, everybody passed, waiting on references
-5 more people to test
-Hunters must keep activity logs for the report
-Purchased 2 tree stands, paid for with half the CHAP money, one is up, and the other will go in section 3. Also purchased no trespassing signs to go with the flags that alert people there is hunting going on
-Hunters will be here so no one on the site without notice. All public events on calendar
-3 sections for the hunters, need 810 hunting opportunities, we are offering morning and night, so minus the public event days every other day has to be open for them
-Andrea will post on Facebook page and River Tamers that the site is closed, Tricia will post on the website
-Email hunting@savemaumee.org, Scott will manage
- Brochure update
-Lauren will finalise any changes on Saturday, hoping to do an unveiling at the member meeting. New brochure is 10 pages, new pages are why wetlands are important, our concrete plans for the site, how we got the site, last page has our pages and yearly events without dates so it will be usable in the coming years. Will discuss cost Saturday, should last 5 or 6 years
- 319 Grant
-Kyle got the letter, everything looks good and now we wait.
- Treasury Report: Monthly financial statement
-Have $10,685.95 available balance, another account has $1300, think it’s for the gambling, think the money can be used for certain things, will ask Abby
-$600 for hunting supplies but will get $1200 in Feb
-Paid Justin $600.00, still owe for chainsaw maintenance
-$14/mo for website
-$133.92 on leaf blower and gas can, $3.00 on gas
*if old backpack leaf blower can be salvaged try to sell in marketplace
-Andrea wants a mini chainsaw $100
-$820.00 Cincinnati Officers and Directors Insurance
-$40.00 pizza
-$83 from Square
-$30.27 from Amazon Smile
-$40.00 from Nate and April
-$50.00 new members
III. New Business
-Due end of October, Lauren wants to get it done by middle of October, use last years as a template
- Canoe Clean Up, 09/18/21 11-3pm- volunteers, roles, needs
-Lauren will contact food not bombs
-2 people at the table at all times
-Lauren will share on Fbook
-Bring swag, water, forms, table, pop up, tarp. Lauren will get grabbers and gloves from site
-Lauren wants to set up closer to walkway
-Have one of our volunteers out helping launch and get supplies from canoers
-Bring both trailers? Justin will bring one
-Justin may be available
-Pay to take to dump right away, Andrea will bring truck (hopefully)
-Buy kitchen size trash bags. Use feed bags? Can’t secure them so probably can’t use them. Save them for seeds.
-Get there at 9:30-10:00 for set up
-Hose off canoes after
- Tree Check Event, 09/22/21 1-6pm
-Nicole will create event
-Bring water, gloves
-Refreshments? Food at 5pm Don’t advertise
- Riverdrums
-No one can make it
- Riversummit
-Not tabling, Lauren will attend
- Deer fence- Tabled until post deer season
-Elliot to come to a meeting to make a proposition, zoom meeting
- Grant Prospects
-Lauren will be looking for grants now that it’s hunting season
-Quite a few disability grants, Andrea would like to include paying off the Gator to use as an accessibility vehicle. Lauren will look into it $10,000 still owed
IV. Interest Pieces
-We have no access to Save Maumee Instagram. Need to get sign in info. We don’t know how twitter works, we need to figure out how to link all accounts
-Yolanda requested a key note speaker that can talk about legislation things or other environmental groups and what they’re doing and how we can work with them-Nicole suggested Justin Bush, Lauren says she’d like someone who is already working with other groups to get them together….Riversummit?
-Talked about Beverly Nursery on Garr Creek has lots of natives, maybe they have a clearance/second chance type section?
-Andrea suggested outdoor meetings with fire throughout the winter, pending weather. Also talked about moving the meetings to a weekend day or earlier since it gets so dark
- Annual Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD, September 18, 2021 11am-3pm
- Tree Check Event September 22, 2021 1pm
- Annual Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh, October 23, 2021 11am-3pm -Details soon!!!
- Weed Wrangle, at Rose Ave Rehab, October 24, 2021, 11-3pm
- Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD, November 1, 2021
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting August 2nd, 2021
Call to Order: 7:37– President, Andrea Hamman
Present: Andrea Hamman, Lauren Conklin, Nicole Harris, Amy Brehmer, Brian Johnson, Yolanda Alvarez
I. Introductions & Membership Acknowledgement:
- Introduce meeting participants
- New members this month Information Link HERE
II: Current Business
Tree check, maintenance: choose a date for Maintenance Event..09/22/21?
Hill update: Lauren will contact Jonah about hill to take pictures and get dates for mowing schedule, she will also get native seed to re-seed the bare spots
Trash pick up
- Site inventory debrief
- Eagle Scout debrief: 20 Eagle Scouts, 8 SMGO volunteers, 99 hours total
- PFW Chem Application Certification Class: 3 enrolled 12/14/21
- Financial Statement: +$121.59- $31.09 from Kroger, $40.00 from recurring donation, 1 new membership $50.00
- Businesses down Trier Ditch: Elliot will be back after 08/10/21 to discuss further
III. New Business
- Brochure: Lauren will contact Price Kobba to see about designing the brochure
- Environmental Organization Collaboration: Review Tricia’s invite email, send out by 08/05/21
- Callery Pear at Deetz Nature Preserve: Hold until certification
- Deer fence- Elliot Thornton: Reviewed estimate, 3000 ft=$2000.00
- Grant applications: Check emails and review all upcoming opportunities, check status of wetland grant
- Nettle harvesting: We can sell, follow up with Jain
IV. Interest Pieces
- Eagle Scout Project, 501 Rose Ave, August 1st, 2021 1-5pm
- Environmental Organizations Collaboration, 501 Rose Ave August 26th, 2021 3-6pm
- CHAP Opening Day September 15th, 2021
- Annual Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD, September 18, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh, October 23, 2021 11am-3pm
- Weed Wrangle, 501 Rose Ave, October 24th, 2021
- Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD, November 1, 2021
- The Ruin Block Party- August 6, 4-10pm 1201 W Main St, Ft Wayne, 46808
- Bloomfest- August 14, 10-5pm Riverside Gardens Park, 14701 Schwartz Rd, Grabill, 46741
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting July 12th, 2021
Call to Order: 7:30– President, Andrea Hamman
Present: Brian Johnson, Nicole Harris, Sophia Burkholder, Yolanda Alvarez, Justin Schiffli, Andrea Hamman, Jain Young, Lauren Conklin, Brandon Olvera
I. Introductions & Membership Acknowledgement:
- Introduce meeting participants
- New members this month Information Link HERE
II: Current Business
Lauren compiled a list of projects to complete by the end of the season (November 2021).
-Invasive removal all along the North Side of the farm and as much of Sections 5 and 6 that can be completed.
-Tree planting along the North side of the farm, mostly nut and fruit trees to start creating a “food forest” to accompany the farm field.
-Maintenance of section 1 where the Riparian Buffer planting occurred, maintenance of section 5 where saplings were planted.
-Clean up and invasive removal along the lane.
- Site Prep Event June 13, 2021 12-4pm
- Riverdrums- At river drums, Andrea was able to get 11 new email list members.
- Riverfest at Pontiac Park Defiance, Oh info at landtolake.com
- Eagle Scout update- need volunteers August 1, 2021 1-5pm
- Bloomfest- Riverside Gardens Park 14701 Schwartz Rd. Grabill August 14, 2021 10-5pm
- Here’s your sign: paid Suzi Herman $100 to create artwork for sign fundraiser
III. New Business
- Brochure- Lauren is currently updating the 8 page brochure to reflect current work on the Rose Avenue Rehab project. She is also making ¼ page handouts to use in the meantime.
- Environmental Organization Collaboration- Andrea spurred the idea to get as many of our environmental groups together for a day to have a meet and greet. This will occur at the site on Rose Avenue on Thursday August 26th from 3-6p.m.
- Site Clean up- Lauren addressed that there is a large trash problem building at the site. Many items that were part of projects are accumulating and need to be disposed of. Abby’s camper also needs moved, potentially off site.
- Changing address- Andrea is figuring out a way that Save Maumee can have a different address than Abby’s old address.
- Site inventory- will occur Wednesday July 21st at 6p.m.
- Monroeville Conservation Club dissolved and donated $3,000 to Save Maumee
- Lauren is organizing the fundraiser committee for the 2022 Fundraiser. As it stands, Nicole Harris, Justin Schiffli, Tricia Clifton, Robin Grimm, Amy Brehmer, Bandon Olvera, and Sophia are volunteering to be on the committee.
IV. Interest Pieces
- Riverfest Pontiac Park 315 E. River Rd Defiance Oh July 17, 2021 8-4pm, tabling 12-4pm
- Eagle Scout Project August 1, 2021 1-5pm at the site
- Environmental Organizations Collaboration 501 Rose Ave August 26, 2021 3-6pm
- Annual Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD, September 18, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh, October 23, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD, November 1, 2021
Adjourned: 9:00
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting June 7th, 2021
Call to Order: 7:30– President, Andrea Hamman
I. Introductions & Membership Acknowledgement:
- Introduce meeting participants
- New members this month Information Link HERE
II: Current Business
- CHAP Update- Grant received, review development agreement, plan
- ROSE AVE REHAB- Project Plans 2021
- Eco Fest final total
- Current Legislation Updates-Indiana SB 389– progress on coalition- thinking of collaboration meeting with other local environmental groups
- Education Opportunities
- Eagle Scout update- Project date is Aug 1st 1-5pm, contact Tammy Taylor
- Boy Scout projects- Phil Feregson, Darin
-USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
III. New Business
- Environmental Organization Collaboration event “Drops in a bucket”- We will organize some sort of get together with other orgs to get to know one another better, find out what others are up to. Decided we will have a table for all to leave info, no set speaking times. More of a relaxed environment where people can mingle and come and go as they please. Sometime in August
- Tabling opportunities: Kidfest @ 3 rivers 07/17, Riverfest in Defiance OH 07/17, Bloomfest in Leo/Cederville 08/14 *Tricia will add a “where to find us” section to the website event page
- Suzanne Herman raised $100 in donations for Save Maumee from her yard sign- future fundraiser with a Save Maumee yard sign designed by her?
- Lauren recieved her Watershed certification
- Grant writing meeting set for 06/14/21 @ Tricia’s house 6pm
IV. Interest Pieces
- Invasive removal at Rose Ave Rehab, Sunday June 13th 12pm-5pm
- Annual Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD, September 18, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh, October 23, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD, November 1, 2021
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting May 3, 2021
Call to Order: 7:31– President, Andrea Hamman
Present: Andrea Hamman, Nicole Harris, Lauren Conklin, Jain Young, Tricia Clifton, Yolanda Alverez, Scott Hamman, Alex Hamman, Grace Hamman, Daniel Hart, Caleb, Alex, Brian Johnson, Dave Shanebrook, Dave Bell
I. Introductions & Membership Acknowledgement:
- Introduce meeting participants
- New members this month Information Link HERE
II: Current Business
- CHAP Program: Scott Hamman spoke about damage to the trees, $350.00 (so far, as of last month, more now) damage will continue, population must be reduced. We have a deer control permit expiring on June 24th, each hunter can get 10 deers. Dave and Dave said they may be able to get out and hunt before then. Lauren will coordinate a plan, let them know when and where they are working. CHAP meeting onsite Wed May 5th 6pm to hopefully seal the deal. It has been agreed that we will figure out a system to keep the deer stands up all year safely.
- 16th Annual Earth Day Clean Up Report/Feedback: We had 82 volunteers, with 253.25 volunteer hours, planting approx 125 saplings and removing about 1000 lbs of trash and 9 tires from Rose Ave and the property. We had coverage in What’s up magazine, Waynedale News, article in New Haven News, and a visit to the site from 21 Alive.
- Farewell Miss Maumee Report/Feedback: $4834 raised, stayed under our $1000 budget, so roughly $3850 profit. Overall, the event went great. We are starting the plans now for next years fundraiser, will be a welcome home to Abby and Brent, and will be in June or July. Contact us to get involved in the planning or to volunteer!!
- ROSE AVE REHAB- Project Plans 2021: Lauren and Chubbs have mapped out the plan for invasive removal for the rest of the year, we need to pull baby honeysuckle all day every day!! We are thinking about a teaching day to get more people involved in the work, Lauren has agreed to lead, the board will be there for support. Info TBA
- Eco Fest Updates: $1842 raised from sponsors, all proceeds from day of raffle will benefit us as well. Thank you Eco Fest!
- Current Legislation Updates-Indiana SB 389– Passed. We need to get involved in the Hoosier Environmental Council for repeal…Coalition?
- Education Opportunities:
- CPR Training, onsite date TBD $45.00
- Hoosier River Watch- May 22nd, 10-12, Eagle Marsh: Nicole is attending
- Certification for Pesticide use: Justin is interested, looking a schedule
- Tabling at Early Ohio on the Portage: Andrea will attend Sunday May 23rd
- Member day? Have a set day when members can come out and enjoy the property
III. New Business
- Spring IDEM Report done, next report due in the fall
- Eagle Scout project: Waiting to hear from them, projects in the works
- Wetland Reserve Easement Program: Tim Bamba wants to meet Wednesday May 12th to discuss. Need to make sure this and LARE won’t conflict with each other.
-USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
IV. Interest Pieces
- ECOFEST– Table, May 16, 2021 12pm-5pm
- Annual Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD, September 18, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh, October 23, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD, November 1, 2021
Adjourned: 8:57
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting April 12, 2021
Call to Order: 7:30– President, Andrea Hamman
Present: Andrea Hamman, Lauren Conklin, Nicole Harris, Abby King, Brian Johnson, Tricia Clifton
I. Introductions & Membership Acknowledgement:
- Introduce meeting participants
- New members this month Information Link HERE
II: Current Business
- 16th Annual Earth Day Clean Up, April 17th 11-3
-Needs: More trash bags, info table?, trash grabbers (Abby has several, Andrea will pick up), maybe spend Walmart grant money on more?, word is Costco has the best ones
-Girl Scouts: looking into head count, will discuss patches with them
-Walmart grant-requested $500, awaiting approval
-American Rivers: approved for trash bags, don’t know if they’ll get here in time
- Farewell Miss Maumee update:
-Next meeting 4/14/21
-Merchandise update: Tee shirts will arrive on time, 100 water bottles, patches, Daniel is working on more poison wands, we will assemble next week
-Insurance: ($118 more annually to add gator and property) waiting to hear if/what we need for event
- ROSE AVE REHAB- Project Plans 2021:
-fire extinguishers are at the site- 1 in the shed, 1 on the gator, 1 at the farm stand, with the water tank stored in the shed to be used during brush fires
-need more chainsaws, Brian Foster has a couple and will help
-would like to have a big pile for Earth Day for pulling and burning
-Doug Nussbaum has been out to the site several times, talking about the ponds and what to stock, plant etc
-need to measure the depth of Dexter’s Pond
- Eco Fest Updates: No updates, waiting on the last donations
- Current Legislation Updates-Indiana SB 389-the amended bill/final form is much worse than the old version, will vote 4/13/21 need 5 votes to defeat
- Education Opportunities
III. New Business
- Liability waiver: We will have a binder with all regular volunteers’ waivers in the shed (signed annually), and will have folders for event waivers off site, decided everyone will sign a waiver at each event, to avoid confusion as to who has signed and who has not
- Eagle Scout project: The Scouts are super excited for big and small projects, would like an observation deck at Dexter’s Pond, planning big project for August. Also thinking bat boxes, nesting boxes, pavilion, benches, eagle’s nest etc
- Wetland Reserve Easement Program: looks like it may a great option, more research to be done
-USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
- May Monthly Meeting at the site: Vote Motion passed, next months meeting at 501 Rose Ave
- Enviroscope- Applied for funding from Meijer, waiting for response
IV. Interest Pieces
-Next year should have an event on actual Earth Day
-Have more small events and apply for grants for them. When applying for grants from certain companies, they ask for event what event the $ is for ie. honeysuckle removal event, apply for from Walmart for wedgers.
- Save Maumee 16th Annual Earth Day, April 17, 2021 11am-3pm
- Farewell Miss Maumee, Annual FUNdraiser, April 24, 2021 3pm-10pm
- ECOFEST– Table, May 16, 2021 12pm-5pm
- Annual Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD, September 18, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh, October 23, 2021 11am-3pm
- Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD, November 1, 2021
Adjourned: 9:07
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting March 1st, 2021
I. Call to Order 7:36– President, Andrea Hamman
Present: Abby King, Andrea Hamman, Jain Young, Lauren Conklin, Nicole Harris, Tricia Clifton, Frank Butwin, Brian Johnson
A. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement
1. Introduce meeting participants
2. New members this month Information Link HERE
- Board Meeting- 03/31/21 8:00pm
- Current Business
C.Fundraiser committee update: We have 19 vendors and counting, Old crown is working on permit, we need raffle items-should we do some version of 50/50?, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for fundraiser, there is a gaming commission general meeting May 11 @ 2pm and 6pm (both classes are one session)
-Project Plans 2021-
- Deer reduction-looking into nuisance hunting permits, Andrea and Scott will look into details of how and who will hunt/when etc-just need them gone!!
- Pond aeriation-stock the ponds with suitable fish, Lauren has info on windmill powered aerators
- Lauren will walk and map the site over the next few weeks, checking invasives, choosing a starting point and making the first plans. She suggests we start near the baby trees, so we can do regular maintenance on them whilst we work.
- Doug Nusbaum will be at the site Tues @12pm to do a walk through and assessment
- Andrea suggests we look into becoming a volunteer site for the Master Naturalists Program. Andrea and Tricia will check it out during the next few weeks of classes.
E. Eco Fest Updates- Tricia-Lauren will help out at Eco Fest
F. Current Legislation Updates
-Indiana SB 389 – to appeal the state regulated wetlands law
G. Education Opportunities- LRWP has some online classes available, INaturalist event-training via Zoom 03/18/21 6-8pm, The Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund have some classes on pollinators via Facebook, Soil & Water Conservation District of Allen County has some really interesting classes happening on soil testing, erosion, nutrient management, plant science, water quality etc. Some are happening soon and the past ones are recorded on their website.
A .April 17th, 2021 Save Maumee 16th Annual Earth Day, Saturday, 11am-3pm
-Trash pick up at Rose Ave.
-Advertise/Attend for other Earth Day events
B. Earth WEEK! Dates / Events
-April 24, 2021- Farewell to Miss Maumee (FUNdraiser to benefit Save Maumee)
C.May 16, 2020 ECOFEST-Table Volunteers/Ideas
D.September 18, 2021 Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD – Abby will contact
E. October 23, 2021 Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh – Tricia CONFIRMED
F. November 1, 2021 Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD
IV. Interest pieces
Adjourned: 9:08
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting February 1st, 2021
I. Call to Order 7:39– President, Andrea Hamman
Present: Abby King, Lauren Conklin, Andrea Hamman, Nicole Harris, Jain Young, Tricia Clifton, Jeanette Janquish
1. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement
-Rick Kinney, April Reinhard, Pluto Brand
2. Introduce meeting participants
3. New members this month Information Link HERE
A. New Board Elections Board Training completed on January 27th, 2021
-Thank you Jain!!
-Justin Schiffli still needs to complete
- Board Meeting February 24th 8:00pm
- Current Business
- Membership with Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor paid – Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor
B. Fundraiser committee update:
-Set date for committee meeting: 02/10/2021 8pm
-Vendor List Update
-Community Ally List
-Entertainment Update: Lod Lemons confirmed
-Food/Drink Update: Still waiting to hear from Bravas, Jain Knows A Damn Fine Soda peeps and will reach out
-Outreach for committee volunteers-Robin Grimm, Amy Brehmer
-List of current confirmed volunteers- Need 30
-Gaming Commision: Confirmed, will keep a copy in the money box onsite during event
-Other: Save Maumee members’ goods basket for auction, Andrea started a doc for donations, what is the plan if the lot is flooded during the event?
-Signage Installed: Will be translated to Burmese
-Project Plans 2021
-Andrea requested help on her property to remove invasives, 1 or 2 days of cut and poison
-Call for permit for burning in a wetland area-info on Rose Ave , Docs
-Doug Nussbaum to come up with wetland plan to re-naturalize Trier Ditch to it’s original meander over the next 10 years, design plan, what does IDEM think? , what is the process?
-Justin and Lauren will be walking the site February 7th at 1 p.m. to map out location of invasives
D. Eco Fest Updates- Tricia: $450.00 raised so far, Save Maumee will table at the event, any volunteers?
E. Current Legislation Updates
-Indiana SB 389 – to appeal the state regulated wetlands law
G. Education Opportunities
– Go out and cancvas
-Educational video, info, power point
-Post on Facebook, tag representitives
-Press release?
A .April 17th, 2021 Save Maumee 16th Annual Earth Day, Saturday, 11am-3pm
-Trash pick up at Rose Ave.
-Advertise/Attend for other Earth Day events
B. Earth WEEK! Dates / Events
-April 24, 2021- Farewell to Miss Maumee (FUNdraiser to benefit Save Maumee)
C.May 16, 2020 ECOFEST-Table Volunteers/Ideas
D.September 18, 2021 Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD – Abby will contact
E. October 23, 2021 Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh – Tricia CONFIRMED
F. November 1, 2021 Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD
IV. Interest pieces
-Andrea suggests SW Honey Company come out to the site for demonstration, Lauren will contact
-Glen Hile will come out this summer to set up hives and train, will ask if training is open to anyone, maybe he could come for Earth Week?
Adjourned: 9:05pm
Minutes SMGO Monthly Meeting January 4th, 2021
Call to order: 7:33pm
Present: Andrea Hamman, Alex Hamman, Lauren Conklin, Jeanette Janquish, Jain Young, Abigail King, Nicole Harris, Daniel Hart, Frank Butwin, David Green, Justin Schiffli, Tricia Clifton
I. Call to Order 7:33– President, Andrea Hamman
- Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
-Do any board members still need to pay dues? Rick
A. New Board Elections Congrats! – Justin Schiffli (Chubbs), Nicole Harris, Rick Kinney, and Alex Hamman Jr. Member
B. Schedule Board Meeting, to acquaint all Board Members with our processes. Please attend Board Members! -January 27, 2021
II. Current Business
- Frank Butwin request for partnership with Maumee Valley Heritage Corridor. This is a partnership to connect organizations and have a stronger voice to make more of an impact furthering our mutual missions.
A.Fundraiser committee update:
-Set date for committee meeting: Monday, January 25th, 2021
-Outreach for committee volunteers? Any ideas?
– Getting volunteers to secure they will work April 24, 2021 for fundraiser/update on planning
-need 30 volunteers, who do we have currently?
-Dirt Wain to do composting
-need 3 porta potties
-parking?**need to talk to Allison
- Rose Avenue Rehabilitation
-Abigail King and Lauren Conklin met with David Van Gilder to sign over ownership of 501 Rose Avenue. The landfill site was officially Save Maumee property on December 21, 2020.
-Lease agreement(?) with Heartland Communities for 20+year agreement. So glad to have Jain Young and Heartland on our team for almost 15 years. You are integral Jain!
-Justin and Lauren will be walking the site February 7th at 1 p.m. to map out location of invasives to plan for projects for 2021.
-list people who are volunteering for event – (30 people?)
-Other updates
C. Eco Fest Updates
- financials (Tricia) We have raised $300.00 so far!
- We make money for all donations of $150 or more. Please share and spread the word!
D. Calendar of Events
-Problems with Google Calendar: resolved
-Other Options? Ideas for group calendar sharing?
- Earth Day, Saturday, April 17th, 2021
-Trash pick up at Rose Ave.
-Advertise for other Earth Day events
-Attend other events on actual Earth Day
- April 17, 2021, Save Maumee’s 16th Annual Earth Day! Helping the other contributors to Earth WEEK!
- April 24, 2021- Abby’s Going Away Party (FUNdraiser to benefit Save Maumee)
- May 16, 2020 – ECOFEST!
- September 18, 2021 Canoe Clean Up, at FWOBD – Abby will contact
- October 23, 2021 Seed Harvest, at Eagle Marsh – Tricia will contact
- November 1, 2021 Annual Members Meeting, venue TBD
IV. Interest pieces
-Lauren starts Watershed Leadership Program this week. Congratulations and good luck!!
-Andrea suggests an award program for individuals and organizations that we admire.
Adjourned: 9:07pm
Monday December 7, 2020 Meeting Agenda DRAFT
LOGIN at 7:30pm to United Activists, who will be hosting our Zoom Meeting – THANK YOU UNITED ACTIVISTS!
Please mute your sound and keep your picture ON so we can see real people!
I. Call to Order at 7:30pm– President Elect, Andrea Hamman
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
A. New Board Elections Congrats! – Justin Schiffli (Chubbs), Nicole Harris, Rick Kinney, and Alex Hamman Jr. Member
B. Schedule committee meeting
III. Current Business
A. Getting volunteers to secure they will work April 24, 2021 for fundraiser
B. What are the Goals for Save Maumee as an organization over the next 2 years?
C. What are the Goals for the Rose Ave. property?
A. Earth Day, April 2021
B. Abby’s Going Away Party, April 24, 2021
C. Canoe Clean Up, September 2021
D. Seed Harvest October 2021
E. Annual Members Meeting November 2021
V. Interest Pieces
Monday October 5, 2020 Meeting Agenda AT LOCATION: 501 Rose Ave. New Haven, IN 46774, please DO NOT go down West Street. The “lane” is between the corn field and the farmhouse.
I. Call to Order – Vice President, Andrea Hamman
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
A. Board Elections – Justin Schiffli (Chubbs), Nicole Harris. Alex Hamman Anyone else?
B. Schedule committee meeting
III. Current Business
A. County Surveyor’s Office – Nicholas Nelson & David Devine
B. Riparian Buffer Initiative – EARTH DAY postponed– plans to plant 550 trees in October 16, 17, 18, 2020
C. 5 minute presentation RE: site specific goals for Rose Ave.
1. Project 2 (of 3) is done, 2nd Quarter Report submitted October 2019.
a. GLRI Grant Project Sign Template Guidance &last sign we placed at Moser, Heatherwood & Deetz
b. Previously planted trees HERE
A. Seed Harvest – CONFIRMED WITH LRWP – Saturday October 24
B. October Tree Planting – 3 days – Friday October 16, Saturday October 17 & Sunday October 18 – 550 trees and remove trash
C. Annual Members Meeting November 4, 2020, (secured by Lauren) at J.K O’Donnell’s, details TBD
V. Interest Pieces
Monday August 3, 2020 Meeting Agenda AT LOCATION: 501 Rose Ave. New Haven, IN 46774, please DO NOT go down West Street. The “lane” is between the corn field and the farmhouse.
I. Call to Order – Vice President, Andrea Hamman
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
A. Board Elections – who
B. Schedule a fundraiser committee meeting
III. Current Business
A. County Surveyor’s Office – Nicholas Nelson & David Devine
B. Riparian Buffer Initiative – EARTH DAY postponed– plans to plant 550 trees in October 16, 17, 18, 2020
C. 5 minute presentation RE: site specific goals for Rose Ave.
1. Project 2 (of 3) is done, 2nd Quarter Report submitted October 2019.
a. GLRI Grant Project Sign Template Guidance &last sign we placed at Moser, Heatherwood & Deetz
b. Previously planted trees HERE
That need rescheduled / re-evaluated
Friday March 20th, was supposed to be Save Maumee Benefit thrown by some of our members. Jeffro & Patty G with Bradley Scott as DJ “The War Room Staff” at Pike’s Pub & Grub 7536 Winchester Rd. Fort Wayne, IN. The guys who bring you the kind entertainment every year at the Canoe Clean-Up in September wanted to do some fundraising for us, so we still want to kick it with them…when appropriate Save Maumee Benefit.
A. Canoe Clean Up – CONFIRMED WITH FWOBD – Saturday September 19, 2020
B. Seed Harvest – CONFIRMED WITH LRWP – Saturday October 24
C. October Tree Planting – 3 days – Friday October 16, Saturday October 17 & Sunday October 18 – 550 trees and remove trash
D. October 2 & 3rd 10am-4pm Deetz Callery Pear Removal – CONFIRMED WITH New Haven PARKS
E. Annual Members Meeting November 2, 2020, (secured by Lauren) at J.K O’Donnell’s, details TBD
V. Interest Pieces
- Proposal of Allison Adams
- Proposal of Heartland Communities, David Green
- I wrote a few things regarding:
Allen County’s Comprehensive Plan- What else do we want to see in Plan It Allen? https://savemaumee.org/blog/,
& - Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Survey https://savemaumee.org/fort-wayne-parks-and-recreation-survey-comments/
We encourage you to answer the survey from Parks Dept., and comment when Allen County’s Comprehensive Plan allows the public to do so as well.
- SB 229 DID PASS – https://legiscan.com/IN/bill/SB0229/2020 and will give more power to draining our most important wetlands and make tree removal on regulated drains even easier (with 2,500 miles in Allen County alone). This is terrible legislation being pushed right now and elected officials should be notified of their bad decisions. Find Your Legislator http://iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/
- Tree selections have been made for the Save Maumee’s 15th Annual Earth Days on April 18 & 19th from 11am-5pm both days ~ rain or shine~ but we are waiting for the attorneys to iron out the details for the site. IF everything works out, it will be on Rose Ave by Landin Road in New Haven, but I have been waiting to release this information to the public due to the sensitivity of the legalities of this 56.4 acre site, with 11 of the 56.4 acres being a “capped landfill.” Releasing details VERY SOON.
VI. New Business
Monday July 6, 2020 Meeting Agenda AT LOCATION: 501 Rose Ave. New Haven, IN 46774, please do not go down West Street.
I. Call to Order – Vice President, Andrea Hamman
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE) Chip Lysic, Lisa Chantaca
A. Meeting minutes move to approve
III. Current Business
A. 5 minute presentation RE: site specific goals for Rose Ave.
B. Riparian Buffer Initiative – EARTH DAY postponed– plans to plant 550 trees in October 2020
1. Project 2 (of 3) is done, 2nd Quarter Report submitted October 2019.
2. Project 1 is done (of 3)- Quarterly Report submitted July 2019.
3. 2019 Year End Report (year 1 of 2) is available here: 2019 Annual Report Jan to Dec
4. We need a sign placed at site planted in 2020. GLRI Grant Project Sign Template Guidance
What is most important to include? Here is the last sign we placed at Moser, Heatherwood & Deetz
UPCOMING EVENTS: ~ That need rescheduled
Friday March 20th, 2020 Save Maumee Benefit thrown by some of our members! Friday March 20th, music from Jeffro & Patty G with Bradley Scott as DJ “The War Room Staff” ~ 8pm-1am ~ NO COVER ~ and please note 21 years old + because it is a bar! Pike’s Pub & Grub 7536 Winchester Rd. Fort Wayne, IN The guys who bring you the kind entertainment every year at the Canoe Clean-Up in September wanted to do some fundraising for us, so we will be kicking it with them! Join us at this special Save Maumee Benefit.
A. Canoe Clean Up – CONFIRMED WITH FWOBD – Saturday September 19, 2020
B. Seed Harvest – CONFIRMED WITH LRWP – Saturday October 24
C. October Tree Planting – 2 days – Saturday October 17 & Sunday October 18 – 550 trees and remove trash
D. October 2 & 3rd 10am-4pm Deetz Callery Pear Removal – CONFIRMED WITH New Haven PARKS
E. Annual Members Meeting November 2, 2020, (secured by Lauren) at J.K O’Donnell’s, details TBD
V. Interest Pieces
- I wrote a few things regarding:
Allen County’s Comprehensive Plan https://savemaumee.org/blog/,
& - Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation Survey https://savemaumee.org/fort-wayne-parks-and-recreation-survey-comments/
We encourage you to answer the survey from Parks Dept., and comment when Allen County’s Comprehensive Plan allows the public to do so as well.
- SB 229 DID PASS – https://legiscan.com/IN/bill/SB0229/2020 and will give more power to draining our most important wetlands and make tree removal on regulated drains even easier (with 2,500 miles in Allen County alone). This is terrible legislation being pushed right now and elected officials should be notified of their bad decisions. Find Your Legislator http://iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/
- Tree selections have been made for the Save Maumee’s 15th Annual Earth Days on April 18 & 19th from 11am-5pm both days ~ rain or shine~ but we are waiting for the attorneys to iron out the details for the site. IF everything works out, it will be on Rose Ave by Landin Road in New Haven, but I have been waiting to release this information to the public due to the sensitivity of the legalities of this 56.4 acre site, with 11 of the 56.4 acres being a “capped landfill.” Releasing details VERY SOON.
VI. New Business
A. Bradley Scott & Jeff Bunger: Fundraiser at Pikes Pub March 20, 2020
B. iNaturalist project page and the Fort Wayne Area City Nature Challenge facebook page
C. June 23, begins the series for Jr. Indiana Master Naturalist Class – REGISTER BY APRIL 16th at noon.
D. EcoFest – Sunday May 3, 2020 – 10am-5pm
E. Eagle Marsh Earth Day April 26, 2020 from 1-5pm at Eagle Marsh Barn
The public meetings that were scheduled in May and June 2020 were canceled due to COVID-19. Thank you for your kind understanding.
Monday February 3, Meeting Agenda DRAFT
I. Call to Order – Vice President, Andrea Hamman
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE) Reinhold’s
1. Make Fundraiser Committee Meeting Date/Time/Place:
*Full discussion for Roaring 20’s World Faire Fundraiser February 15th 2020 from 4-10p.m. at the Freemason’s Hall – Grand Ballroom and Mezzanine;
2. Reminder: Board of Directors Meeting is Monday February 17, 2020 at 4pm – Tricia’s House 6011 Oregon Drive
III. Current Business
A. Progress of Save Maumee Phase I environmental assessment to decide ownership: Rose Ave Landfill property
B. Riparian Buffer Initiative
1. Project 2 (of 3) is done, 2nd Quarter Report submitted October 2019.
2. Project 1 is done (of 3)- Quarterly Report submitted July 2019.
3. 2019 Year End Report (year 1 of 2) is available here: 2019 Annual Report Jan to Dec
4. We need a sign placed at site planted in 2020. GLRI Grant Project Sign Template Guidance
What is most important to include? Here is the last sign we placed at Moser, Heatherwood & Deetz
A. Earth Day – 2 Days – Saturday April 18 & Sunday April 19 – 250 trees and remove trash
B. Canoe Clean Up – need to confirm with FWOBD – Saturday September 19, 2020
C. Seed Harvest – need to confirm with LRWP – Saturday October 24
D. October Tree Planting – 2 days – Saturday October 17 & Sunday October 18 – 350 trees and remove trash
E. October 2 & 3rd 10am-4pm Deetz Callery Pear Removal
F. Annual Members Meeting November 2, 2020, (secured by Lauren) at J.K O’Donnell’s, details TBD
V. Interest Pieces
VI. New Business
Monday January 6, Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order 7:04 – Vice President, Andrea Hamman
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE) Law Offices of Michael E. Bryant
1. Make Fundraiser Committee Meeting Date/Time/Place
2. Make Board of Directors Meeting (after February 15) Date/Time/Place – 6011 Oregon Drive Tricia’s house – 4pm Monday February 17
a. Approve Board Meeting Minutes, December 11, 2019 – Jain moves to approve at board meeting
III. Current Business
A. Progress of Save Maumee Phase I environmental assessment to decide ownership: Rose Ave Landfill property.
B. Report on DAP (Domestic Action Plan) Advisory Committee for Western Lake Erie Basin Meeting
1. Did anyone go to any meetings representing Save Maumee? Report
C. Riparian Buffer Initiative
1. Project 2 (of 3) is done, 2nd Quarter Report submitted October 2019.
2. Project 1 is done (of 3)- Quarterly Report submitted July 2019.
3. 2019 Year End Report (year 1 of 2) is available here: 2019 Annual Report Jan to Dec
4. We need a sign placed at site planted in 2020. GLRI Grant Project Sign Template Guidance
What is most important to include? Here is the last sign we placed at Moser, Heatherwood & Deetz
More information about US instead of Riparian Buffer Initiative – what we did leads us to getting land. invasives and native species present on the land like a design a box clear.
D. Abby registered for: “EPA GLRI Trash Free Waters FY20 Request for Applications” 2-4pm on 01/07/2020 if you want to join
IV. What does Save Maumee need to have a successful 2020 year?
A. Earth Day – 2 Days – Saturday April 18 & Sunday April 19 – 250 trees and remove trash
B. Canoe Clean Up – need to confirm with FWOBD – Saturday September 19, 2020
C. Seed Harvest – need to confirm with LRWP – Saturday October 24
D. October Tree Planting – 2 days – Saturday October 17 & Sunday October 18 – 350 trees and remove trash
E. Annual Members Meeting November 2, 2020, (secured by Lauren) at J.K O’Donnell’s, details TBD – speaker?
F. Large Donors or person to secure funding for specific projects
G. October 2nd and 3rd 10am-4pm Deetz Callery Pear Removal
V. Interest Pieces
VI. New Business
VII. Old Business
*Full discussion after meeting from 8:30-9pm – Roaring 20’s World Faire Fundraiser February 15th 2020 from 4-10p.m. at the Freemason’s Hall – Grand Ballroom and Mezzanine; Committee to report
Kanak – compostable dinnerware – put on website and advertise in the email preparation as a new technology being driven by the market. Compostable ware is in the future of “beyond just recycling” – Dirt Wayne
cloth napkins? definitely no single serving plastic
Save Maumee Monday Monthly Meetings are free and open to the public because we believe in transparency!
Want to help make a difference?
Monday December 2, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Call to order 7:14pm
Adjourn 8:28
Roll Call: Yolanda Alvarez, Alex Largen, Jen and Aaron Goulet, Abigail King, Jain Young, Jeannette Jaquish, Daniel Hart, Lauren Conklin
I. Call to Order – President
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE) (Daniel Hart, Brian Mattix on the list), Brent Warner & Abigail King, Canaan Eubank & Sydney Flatt, Tricia Clifton and family, Connie Shaw
1. Make Fundraiser Committee Meeting for this week? Wednesday Dec 4 at noon Meeting Abby’s for fundraiser
2. Board Meeting-Set a date, landfill, internal processes? Wednesday December 11th, noon Abby’s Board Meeting
Lauren working on site jobs and binders. Binders for Board Members, that includes research, what we do at the site, invasive, natives, site job list, finding a site and processes.
3. Jain suggested to have Mindy with League of Women Voters training on how to attend a meeting.
III. Old Business
A. Brochure looks great, needs editable version for printer.
B. Progress of Save Maumee Phase I environmental assessment to decide if we will take on a landfill Rose Ave Landfill property
C. Riparian Buffer Initiative
1. Project 2 (of 3) is done, 2nd Quarter Report submitted October 2019.
2. Project 1 is done (of 3)- Quarterly Report submitted July 2019.
3. Year End Report (year 1 of 2) will be done by December 31, 2019 and in entirety on the website.
IV. What does Save Maumee need to have a successful 2020 year?
A. Earth Day – Crave local…dont compete with the 18th
B. Canoe Clean Up
C. Seed Harvest
D. October Tree Planting
E. Large Donors for specific project
* Roaring 20’s World Faire Fundraiser February 15th 2020 from 4-10p.m. at the Masonic Hall, Freemason’s – Grand Ballroom and Mezzanine; Committee to report, Set Committee Meeting date
V. Interest Pieces
Steamfitters Christmas Party / Raffle December 14, 6-9pm
VI. New Business
A. DAP (Domestic Action Plan) Advisory Committee for Western Lake Erie Basin Meeting Friday, December 20, 2019 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Manchester University, Fort Wayne Campus 10627 Diebold Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46845 Room 150
VII. Old Buisness
A. Adaptation Planning and Practices Online this winter by the Forest Service. To find out more information or to register, please visit: https://forestadaptation.org/learn/adaptation-planning-and-practices-online-2020 Space is limited and preference will be given to projects in the Midwest and Northeast.
B. AmazonSmile Charity Lists, a product donation platform built specifically for charities, with unique features that make it easier for customers to donate items to Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc. Create your first list or refine an existing one with this Charity Lists optimization guide. See the below collection of case studies and read how charities are successfully using Charity Lists:
To make your first Charity List or edit an existing one, log in to https://org.amazon.com and see the “AmazonSmile Charity Lists” section.
Monday October 7, 2019 Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order – Vice President
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE) Brian Johnson, Jeannette
A. Approve Minutes/Board Minutes
a. Board Meeting -5:45 17814 Cloud Hill Drive 46748
III. Old Business
a. Brochure looks great, needs editable version for printer
b. Save Maumee Phase I environmental assessment will be to decide if we will take on a landfill Rose Ave Landfill property
IV. Riparian Buffer Initiative, 4615 Ellenwood Drive 2 -day public event OCTOBER 25 & 26 to plant 480 trees CLICK HERE
NEED people at the front to send down volunteers ~ Section Leaders of tree planting
Set GPS to: 4615 Ellenwood Drive we will be removing a FOREST of Asian Honeysuckle! Bring your friends! HALP!
ALL DAYS ARE 11am-5pm
– past the MARTIN concrete block, it is hard to find the first time. The site is large & wild and you should look at the map or call Abby 260-417-2500 if you have a problem! Check it out: https://savemaumee.org/end-of-ellenwood-drive_new-haven/
Friday October 18 -new
Saturday October 19 -new
* Seed Harvest at Eagle Marsh – Saturday October 12, 2019
* 2 Day October Tree Planting – Friday October 25 & Saturday October 26 – 10am-4pm both days – trees to be delivered on Wednesday October 23.
* Annual Members Meeting – November 4, 2019 from 6pm-8pm set Committee meeting/report on committee – Welch’s Ale House (the old CS3) in the Tiger Room 6-8PM – Free Taco Bar with members
* Roaring 20’s World Faire Fundraiser February 15th 2020 from 4-10p.m. at the Masonic Hall, Freemason’s – Grand Ballroom and Mezzanine; Committee to report, Set Committee Meeting date
V. Interest Pieces
VI. New Business
B. AmazonSmile Charity Lists, a product donation platform built specifically for charities, with unique features that make it easier for customers to donate items to Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc. Create your first list or refine an existing one with this Charity Lists optimization guide. See the below collection of case studies and read how charities are successfully using Charity Lists:
Case studies:
28 Days
Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary
Niagara Falls Boys and Girls Club
Purrfect Pals
To make your first Charity List or edit an existing one, log in to https://org.amazon.com and see the “AmazonSmile Charity Lists” section.
Monday September 9, 2019 Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order – Vice President
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE) Hitesh Patel, Jeannette Jaquish, Frederick Laurent
A. Approve Minutes/Board Minutes
a. NOTE: Next Board Meeting is Monday October 21 at 5:45 at Celia’s house.
III. Old Business
a. Brochure looks great, needs editable version for printer
b. Frederick Laurent paid for billboard until January 2020! WOW ~ THANK YOU FRED!
c. Seed Harvest in Hamilton update
IV. Riparian Buffer Initiative, 8th site has been found. – site location / details CLICK HERE –
a. SET DATES FOR INVASIVE REMOVAL & date for 2 day public event
b. Project 1 is done (of 3)- Abby completed Quarterly Report.
* September=Moser Park
Monday 9th 11a-4p
Thursday 12th 11a-4p
* Location for October Deetz 7801-8499 Parrott Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46803
Thursday October 3, with Big Brothers Big Sisters partnership – needs a few people to help begins after 4pm
Friday October 4, 9am-4pm
Saturday October 5 9am-4pm
* Canoe Clean-Up Saturday September 21, 2019 from 11am-3pm
* 2 Day Invasive Removal at Deetz Nature Preserve – Friday October 4 & Saturday October 5, 9am-4pm both days and October 3 with Big Brothers Big Sisters
* Seed Harvest at Eagle Marsh – Saturday October 12, 2019
* 2 Day October Tree Planting – Friday October 25 & Saturday October 26 – 10am-4pm both days – trees to be delivered on Wednesday October 23.
* Annual Members Meeting – November 4, 2019 from 6pm-8pm set Committee meeting/report on committee – Welch’s Ale House (the old CS3) in the Tiger Room 6-8PM – Free Taco Bar with members
VI. New Business
a. Donation of a landfill to Save Maumee? Rose Ave Landfill property
b. 2020 application for the Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy is now available online application for the 2020 Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy. You are receiving this announcement as someone nominated you as an individual that might be interested in participating in the 2020 Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy.
Learn to be a Leader in Watershed Management. Enroll now to improve your watershed management skills If you’re interested in water quality and watersheds, consider applying for the 2019 Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy. The Academy, organized by Purdue University with support from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management and other Indiana conservation agencies and organizations, gives participants the chance to:
Engage in basic and advanced level watershed topics covering leadership principles, watershed science, organization and communication, technology and GIS, stakeholder involvement techniques and policy skills
- Meet, learn from, and build a network of peers
- Interact with topic experts
- Gain strategies, skills, and resources for successful watershed management
- Earn a Professional Certificate in Watershed Management
Enrollment deadline: November 8, 2019
Web site: for the online application and information about the Academy, visit https://engineering.purdue.edu/watersheds/academy.htmlAcademy Fee: Includes lodging and food for overnight and one-day workshops, plus all course materials. Payment due by December 6, 2019 for accepted applicants. Full cost: $1,250 Soil and Water Conservation District & nonprofit staff and board members, self-funded participants: $750 Additional scholarships may be available for applicants upon request: $375
Format: Training includes three face-to-face group sessions and distance learning, online (approximately 3-4 hrs/week). The Academy runs from January to May, 2020. Specific workshop dates are January 8-9, March 31-April 1, and May 20, 2020.
For more information and to fill out the application, please contact Sara Peel, speel@purdue.edu, or see the Academy Web Page http://engineering.purdue.edu/watersheds
c. Want to go to River Rally or teach a program? Do you have practical knowledge and experience related to one of this year’s River Rally themes? Could your knowledge help someone working on similar challenges in another setting, geography, or organization? If so, we need you. All workshop proposals must relate to one or more of this year’s River Rally themes. We are also looking for proposals that relate to these themes and intersect with diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. Workshops are typically either 90 minutes in length and may include up to three co-presenters or are 15 minutes in length for our fast-paced “lightning” sessions involving just one presenter. Proposals must be submitted by Tuesday, October 1, 2019.
August 5, 2019 Meeting Agenda DRAFT
I. Call to Order – Vice President
II. Introductions & Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
A. Approve Minutes/Board Minutes
a. set date/time/location for Board Meeting (2 weeks)
III. Brochure looks great, needs editable version for printer
Discussion on Billboard
IV. Currently seeking next site (8 of 9) for Riparian Buffer Initiative
4325 Meyer Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46806 Project 1 is done (of 3)- Abby completed Quarterly Report.
* August=Heatherwood –
Monday 5th Front Entrance 2p-6p
Monday 12th 3p-8p Front Entrance, but moving to the back
Wednesday 14th 3p-8p back of site
Thursday 22nd 3p-8p – back of site
* September=Moser Park
Monday 9th 11a-4p
Thursday 12th 11a-4p
September 23, Cole property – by the railroad side – 9am – 6pm
* Location for October Deetz 7801-8499 Parrott Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46803
Friday October 4, 9am-4pm
Saturday October 5 9am-4pm
Friday October 4, 9am-4pm
* AUGUST 17, 2019 Seed Harvest atHamilton Site-Nature Conservancy, – Celia will be hosting from 8am-noon and Abby will be hosting from 4pm-8pm – need a site location and put on website/ facebook invite.
* Canoe Clean-Up Saturday September 21, 2019 from 11am-3pm
* 2 Day Invasive Removal at Deetz Nature Preserve – Friday October 4 & Saturday October 5, 9am-4pm both days
* Seed Harvest at Eagle Marsh – Saturday October 12, 2019 at 3pm-6pm
* Annual Members Meeting – November 4, 2019 from 6pm-8pm set Committee meeting/report on committee – need location and speaker
Minutes – July 8th 2019 Save Maumee Monthly Meeting
Attendees: Yolanda Alvarez, Ellen Bauman, Lauren Conklin, Abigail King Susan Todd Connie Shaw, Jennie Nicklin, Jain Young, Rowan Green
- Call to Order – President Abigail King 7:07p.m.
- Introductions & Membership acknowledgement
Greg Eley paid last month (last months minutes)- $50 PayPal
Connie Shaw received a patch for 40+ hours of volunteer hours. (Member Information Link HERE)
- Approve Minutes
- Set date for Board Meeting (approx. 2 weeks from today), Tricia Cliffton has been nominated for the Board by Andrea Hamman, to be voted upon at Members Meeting on November 4.
Minutes need to be approved before being posted online. Minutes will be sent out before posting and approved by those who move to approve.
III. Brochure looks great, needs editable version for printer
An editable version will need to be sent. The brochure template looks amazing, thanks to Celia for creating it. Some edits will be made for the final print.
- 4325 Meyer Rd. Fort Wayne, IN 46806 Project 1 is done (of 3)- Abby working on the report. What is next for the Riparian Buffer Initiative?
Meyer Road site location is completed. Invasive upkeep and site maintenance to occur
* Need one more day for: 15503 Gar Creek Road, New Haven, Indiana 46774
One last day of finding/uncovering trees and site maintenance needed.
* Location for July : Cole property, New Haven, IN 46774 – Members & Invite only = private property
Friday July 26, 2019 11am-7pm THEN CAMP OUT
Saturday July 27, 2019 10am-6pm – THEN WE GO HOME
* August=Heatherwood –
Monday 5th Front Entrance 2p-6p
Monday 12th 3p-8p
Wednesday 14th 3p-8p
Thursday 22nd 3p-8p
* September=Moser Park – set dates
Monday 9th 11a-4p
Thursday 12th 11a-4p
* Location for October Deetz 7801-8499 Parrott Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46803
Friday October 4, 9am-4pm
Saturday October 5 9am-4pm
- Meeting for Annual Members Meeting, November 4, 2019 Details TBA – Need space due to Hall’s is booked
- Board Meeting set: at Ellen and Lauren’s home. July 14th at 4p.m.
- Other’s Events – Interest Pieces
Fundraiser and Member Meeting will be discussed
Fundraiser will be held at Masonic Temple on February 15th 2020 from 4-10p.m.
Lauren will contact someone about lighting for event.
Jennie and Jain attended a meeting from the Gaming Commission. Paperwork and applications will be easier in the future. There is no longer a $1,000 limit on donated items for a raffle or auction.
Adjourn 8:42pm
Minutes –Monday June 3, 2019
Call to order 7:05
Quintin Tompson, Amanda Arnold, Jain Young, Connie Shaw, Susan Todd, Pluto Brand, Ethan Ryan, Celia Garza, Aaron Goulet, Ellen Bauman, Abigail King, Yolanda Alvarez, Jen Brown, Bart Bilby, Jen Brown, Jain Young.
A. Coordinator, Quintin Thompson. 30 minutes to discussed solar in Indiana. 30% tax credit (get money back from the program) from federal government if you schedule it before December 31, 2019, program is being eliminated due to Net Metering laws in Indiana. You get a credit from selling your energy back to the grid. Disaster to homeowners because they need that tax credit to offset costs. NO NET METERING after 2022. Longer we go on, less benefits in the future…must do now if you want full tax credits. Trump tariffs made it flatline. Reducing emissions reduces pollution and increases water quality health.
Wednesday June 5, 2019 3pm-8pm
Friday October 4, 9am-4pm
August 17th Save Maumee Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy. Fenn Harvest — Abby will put on website pending Celia address
Monday June 3, 2019 Minutes
Call to order 7:05
A. Coordinator, Quintin Thompson. 30 minutes to discussed solar in Indiana. 30% tax credit (get money back from the program) from federal government if you schedule it before December 31, 2019, program is being eliminated due to Net Metering laws in Indiana. You get a credit from selling your energy back to the grid. Disaster to homeowners because they need that tax credit to offset costs. NO NET METERING after 2022. Longer we go on, less benefits in the future…must do now if you want full tax credits. Trump tariffs made it flatline. Reducing emissions reduces pollution and increases water quality health.
Wednesday June 5, 2019 3pm-8pm
Friday October 4, 9am-4pm
August 17th Save Maumee Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy. Fenn Harvest — Abby will put on website pending Celia address
Save Maumee Monthly Meeting Minutes April 1st, 2019
Minutes recorded by Lauren Conklin, Secretary
Meeting called to order: 7:00 p.m.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:37pm
In attendance:
Celia Garza Aaron Goulet Sandy Messner Tricia Clifton Andrea Hamman Jennie Nicklin, Abigail King Lauren Conklin Connie Shaw Jain Young Yolanda Alvarez Rowan Greene Alissa Hart , Lorilie , Olly Oligee, Eric Cole Brian Johnson
- Call to Order – Vice President
- Membership acknowledgement- Lauren and Jain
- Pat Frost – $40 Family – deceased
- Becky Kemp- Individual $25
III. Drainage Board meeting update- Jain and Celia
Save Maumee was not on the agenda. Drainage Board was concerned with verification of our site for the Earth Day tree planting. Nelson Peters appears to be in support of our mission in the drainage board meeting. April 11th will be when the drainage board decides to approve our project, invasive removal was approved.
- Invasive removal Schedule- Abby
- Schedule is tenative. There will be a large trash pickup. We still do not have an approval letter from the Federal Government for our grant for the Earth Day project. It was discussed that the Saturday 13th Celia Site Supervisor Hannah Burcott with a group of 30, and Sunday 14th of April 10-2 both days for trash pickup and invasive removal.
- Earth Day Preparations
- Proclamation- Jain
- A proclamation will be made by Mayor Tom Henry for Earth Week.
- Funding? Have we received the award letter?
- No, we have not
- When do the trees arrive?
- Bare root trees to cut costs – approved by Forest Service
- Volunteer recruitment- New Tech school group and other – trash can decoration
- Seed Harvest Dates with the Nature Conservancy
- Dates were determined for June 1st and August 17th Save Maumee Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy. Fenn Harvest This assures us an ability to keep what we harvest. We could potentially harvest at Fox Island. Jain would like to donate a box of common milkweed.
VII. Callery Pear Collaboration with New Haven parks – Sunday April 7 – trash walk at Deetz
- Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy are on board with a yearly event.
- Renee Bentz from New Haven Parks came to talk about continuing the event. Monday the 29th of April will be an initial walk through of Deetz. August 19th secondary walk-through.
VIII. Other Business and Interest Pieces
- Sandy Messner- IFA looking to expand memberships and activists for forest alliance. Wild and Scenic Film Festival in Bloomington. Approximately 500 people in attendance to watch multiple environmental films, holding a raffle, and attendees become a member. (IDEA!!!) Sandy would like a short film or commercial of Save Maumee. Need folks for festival committee. Next event Late winter early spring 2020 in Bloomington, possibly early or mid march 2020 for fort wayne. Needing up to 5 or more. Commitments are a phone call every other week, approaching sponsors, and people to run the tables.
- Flat Top Grill donated 15% of their profits from March 7th, which added to $167.06.
- Rowan will be borrowing the tent for April 27th for Earth Week.
- Talk to neighborhood associations about invasives HOA bimonthly. July 25th contact Allen county commissioners to get on agenda. Andrea and Celia will be contacting office. 6 volunteers for HOA meeting.
- Jennie and Jain went up to Lake Erie Conferences. Lake Erie Watershed with Sandy Bihn. Mayor of Toledo addressed that Algae blooms are due to agriculture. Leaking septics, fertilizers on lawns are also a problem. Mary Lou Renshaw gave a shout out to Save Maumee. Adams county of Indiana just inside border of Ohio is a large contamination source of the waterways.
- Adjourn 8:37pm
Monday March 4 Agenda
Save Maumee Meeting Minutes Monday March 4th 2019
Minutes taken by Lauren Conklin- Secretary,
Meeting called to order 7:03p.m. Meeting Adjourned: 8:44p.m.
In attendance: Jennie Nicklin Alex Nicklin Abigail King Lauren Conklin Ty Fry Jen Goulet Aaron Goulet, Sarah Loshe Tricia Clifton Ellen Bauman Celia Garza Nicole Harris Daniel Bennet, Andrea Hamman Rowan Greene Jain Young Connie Shaw Alissa Hart Yolanda Alvarez
- Meeting Called to order: Abigail King President
- Membership Acknowledgement:
Dorothy Hayes – $50
Tandy Lynn – $20
Aaron Goulet- Family $40
Nick Joseph- Individual $25
Jessica Cole-Family+donation $150
Craig Nicklin -Family+donation $80
III. February 23rd, 2019 Fundraiser Update:
Debrief Annual Fundraiser February 23rd 2019
Deposit in the bank account $3836
TOTAL IS TENTATIVE. Ellen Bauman, Lauren Conklin, Tricia Clifton, Abigail King, and Andrea Hamman will meet Monday March 11th in the morning to rectify numbers and merchandise sold. Will also be writing and sending thank you letters to all vendors, performers, and donors.
Feedback about fundraiser/What can we do different?
-Aprons were suggested for members volunteering to run tables. This would make collecting donation money and making change easier.
-Adjusting the start or end time was discussed. Making the event shorter in duration.
-Bring a megaphone in case of sound issues.
-2-8 or 2-9 were the times suggested and noted.
-Putting Save Maumee merchandise in the main event hall space was discussed. Connie Shaw offered to put the table alongside her own booth.
-Signs posted to point people in the direction of other areas and vendors in the building. Also to help the flow of people keep moving.
-Scheduled performances
-Fashion show-Avocado Shag Shop, to help clothing vendors sell items.
Ideas for spending Fundraiser money:
-Chips for the trees to track their progress
-Sending board members to workshops
IV.Earth Day 2019
Save Maumee has received funding to move along with tree planting. Lauren Conklin and Abigail King went to speak to a possible site on Meyer Road. They were given contact information of the property owner and an email has been sent requesting permission to plant trees on the ditch.
Celia suggested creating a relationship with Julie Good PhD.and her biology students at Indiana Tech. Dr. Good would like to bring her students to help participate in the two day Earth Day event.
The site is a full sun area due to lack of tree species on the banks – Water in July/August. It was discussed that a watering schedule will be necessary to the survival of the trees that will be planted. IBC totes for watering were suggested by Ellen.
- Dates for Save Maumee Upcoming Events:
- March 7, EAT AT FLAT TOP GRILL AND TELL THEM…Save Maumee gets 15% of your bill! – What time do you want to eat dinner?
- Earth Day Monday April 22 & Tuesday 23 –
Earth WEEK: Organized by Rowan Greene
-22nd&23rd Save Maumee Earth Day event
-24th Livable Futures Expo-Historic Womens Club at Saint Francis Chamber of Commerce old building
-26thLivable futures forum-omni room citizens square
-27th black swamp permaculture
-28thRising Appalachia-Trevor Hall
-29th Little River Wetlands installations
-30th Plowshares launch tentative joseph dequis
VII. Other’s Events
- TOMORROW – Friends of Salamonie Forest strategy meeting, Cafe of Hope 900 E. State St. Huntington IN, March 5th – 7-9pm
- March 7th&11th Riverfront Development meetings at Hop River
- Watershed Organizations Leaders Meeting on March 14, at 6:00 p.m. at the Woodburn Church (5108 Bull Rapids Rd, Woodburn, IN, Door 3)
- Seed Swap at TekVenture- March 23rd
- Spy Run Creek Cleanup- March 23rd 12pm-11pm
- Conservation Conversation for April 6, 2019 – with Environmental Resources Center Purdue University Fort Wayne Alumni Center lobby – tabling
- 8th annual Eagle Marsh Earth Day Fort Wayne event on Engle Road. Sunday April 28 1-5 – Tabling
H.Seed Harvest Opportunity-Fawn River Fenn Sites june 1st and 8th
- August 17th-Save Maumee prime date @douglas woods in Hamilton
Douglas woods at all times for seed harvest opportunity
VIII. How to earn new Save Maumee patches in 2019 = 40 hours of logged time – TURN IN VOLUNTEER TIME SHEETS
- Picture in front of billboard?
It was discussed taking a picture in front of the billboard before it is taken down.
- Callery pear removal from October of 2018
Anne Gurney of New Haven Parks expressed that an estimated 10% of the Callery Pear population was removed at Deetz Nature Preserve. The possibility of this becoming a yearly event to help raise attention to the problem of invasive species, as well as help return Deetz Nature Preserve to a healthy standard was discussed. Images of before and after the removal have been circulated and used by arborists and conservationists lately.
XI.Interest pieces
A.Rowan Met with Electric works Nancy Townsend- Kevin Biggs – Green roof on electric works Encourage relationship with Electric Works
Kyle Quandt to write grants 319?
Sharon-TriState Watershed Alliance
B.North River Development site- Developers backed out due to “lack of due diligence”.
February 4, 2019 Agenda 7PM – 8:30PM
Meeting Minutes Save Maumee Monday Monthly Public Meeting February 4th, 2019 Don Hall’s Gas House, Lauren Conklin, Secretary
Meeting called to order 7:10pm Meeting adjourned 8:31pm
Shannon PFW, Tricia Clifton, Aaron Goulet, Board of Trustees Connie Shaw, Rowan Greene, Sarah Loshe, Olly Oligee, Moriah McQuay, Lauren Conklin, Secretary Jennie Nicklin, Board of Trustees Jain Young, Treasurer, Andrea Hamman, Board of Trustees
- Call to order Jennie Nicklin
- New member acknowledgement, Tricia Clifton. Family Membership.
- February 23rd Annual Fundraiser
- Jain Young will be filing an exempt form to the Gaming Commission togrant permission to Save Maumee to hold a raffle of items accumulating inprice of less then or equal to $1,000.00.
- Lauren Conklin has booked the entertainment for the fundraiser. Jim Tealwill be providing sound for the event. A meeting was held at TekVentureon February 4th to evaluate the space for sound needs.
- Ellen Bauman has another draft of the vendor list completed at this time.
- Jennie Nicklin and Sarah Loshe have been collecting raffle donations fromlocal businesses and compiling an excel spreadsheet to document donors.This list will become a master list to be edited as years go on.
- Wrist bands were purchased by Ellen Bauman and Andrea Hamman tosignify who has paid at the door or purchased tickets, who is a performer,and who is 21+.
- Earth Day 2019 idea brainstorm for alternative ideas to tree planting if thegovernment shutdown continues to affect our grant approval letter.
A. The organization is still unsure if we will receive our official approval letter.
B. Ideas 1.
2. 3. 4.
were brought to the table for possible alternatives to tree planting. Previous site walk-throughs with the public to show them the trees they have planted in the past.
Tree planting demonstration.
Children’s workshops on how the waters are polluted.
Collecting trimmings from invasives and natives to show the public how to identify both.
Native herb walk.
V. Spy Run Creek March 23rd Event
A. As Save Maumee volunteers and board members, we will be promoting this event individually and as an organization. Save Maumee will be in attendance.
VI. Interest Pieces
- Rowan Green shared more information on his developing event “EarthWeek”. It will be a permaculture focused week of events that will include Save Maumee’s Earth day events. Rowan is currently working on having a performance by Rising Appalachia at the Clyde Theater.
- Jennie Nicklin attended the Outdoor Expo at the Coliseum alongside Earth Adventures. She had an informational booth set up and distributed information to the public about our organization.
- Jain Young attended a meeting about the St. Mary’s River Assessment Report.
- The St. Mary’s River in Ohio is a B6 channel with no pools.
- It has silt and clay banks
- The problem area of the river is in Indiana at the Bluffton Roadbridge, where the banks are eroding.
Monday January 7, 2019 Agenda 7PM – 8:30PM
I. Call to Order 7pm – Vice President, Celia Garza
II. Officers take their place in 2019 & membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
A. Treasurer Jain Young Annual Financial Report
III. Engineer seeking County Surveyor position
IV. February 23, 2018 Fundraiser Update
FUN-RAISER: BUY TICKETS HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/another-bazaar-evening-on-the-maumee-river-tickets-49581654062
- WEBPAGE AD HERE: https://savemaumee.org/a-bazaar-evening-on-the-maumee/
- FACEBOOK AD HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/356938165099818/
V. John Furyun – Request for Spy Run Creek assistance with removing invasive species and trash on March 23, 2019.
A. Parking Location? Physical Location? Advertising? Ownership of property for fire/drumming/camping permissions
VI. Ephram Smiley would like to get a volunteer pool of “doers” interested in working in his community garden.
VII.Dates for Upcoming Events: Earth Day April 22 & 23, Canoe Clean Up? (Sept.), Seed Harvest? (Oct.)
VIII. How to thank people for facebook birthday giving?
IX. Government shutdown, if continued – Shutdown began 12/21/2018
X. How to earn new Save Maumee patches in 2019 is 40 hours of logged time!
Adjourn 8:30pm
December 3, 2018 Meeting
Megan Butler discussed Riverfront Development and how we all can help! 1/2 hour presentation and 1/2 hour discussion.
Monday October 1, 2018 AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – Vice President, Celia Garza
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Members Meeting: November 5, 2018
A. Other Nominations to accept? Andrea Hamman, Lauren Conklin (Secretary)- Aaron Goulet?
B Details of Members Meeting – notifications
IV. Set up a time (meeting?):
A. Dates for site tree re-planting and move everything away from baby trees for the Fall!
B. Tri State Alliance Pontoon with Sharon Partridge! She wants us to schedule a date before the end of the year for driving us for a ride! She is reaching out to organizations that we have partnered with to extend an invitation to join together for a pontoon ride on the three rivers. There’s so much to see and learn! We still have several more weeks before the river level will be lowered Pontoon seats 11 adults comfortably.
- Abby wrote a piece about invasive species for some insight. The Indiana DNR is trying to prohibit the sales of some invasive species and we definitely support this initiative. https://savemaumee.org/support-selective-removal-of-invasive-plants/
- 2018 Forest Service GLRI offers free online training and assistance, which may help your current and future projects meet resilience criteria. Registration requested by October 9th. The Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and the USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub are offering the Forest Adaptation Planning and Practices training as a free 7-week long virtual course for urban foresters and watershed planners to consider climate change in land-use planning while using the Adaptation Workbook.
Quick details
– The fall course will be held Nov. 6 – Dec. 18, 2018, in weekly 1.5 hr sessions
– More information can be found at: https://forestadaptation.org/UrbanFAPP-online
- Michindoh Aquifer’s water wants to be sold by “Artesian of Pioneer” company…the CEO is also the Mayor of the City of Pioneer. This affects only two townships in Allen County, but the aquifer itself lies under three states. It does not have the protections it should, because in 2007, Bryan, Ohio was turned down by the EPA to designate the Michindoh Aquifer as a “sole-source” aquifer. That designation means the aquifer is the only source of drinking water for people in a nine-county area that includes parts of three states, but it’s not designated for many protections it SHOULD be afforded. https://savemichindohwater.com
- Indiana Forest Alliance, Executive Director Jeff Stant about what’s wrong with the proposed cut in Salamonie https://indianaforestalliance.org/salamonie-state-forest/ Here is DNR’s logging plan (DRMG) for the proposed cut https://www.in.gov/dnr/forestry/files/fo-SRSF_C1T3_10282014.pdf The problem is not necessarily removing the common Maple, Ash and Box Elder to help the forest, the problem is removal of hardwoods and selling off our forest treasures of Oak and Walnut without oversight.
- Sign up with KROGER REWARDS and $$ goes to us when you shop! SAVE MAUMEE GRASSROOTS ORGANIZATION, INC.(GV037), We have recently upgraded our Community Rewards system, and as a result, your Non-Profit Organization (NPO) has a new account number. (GV037)Please reference the new number when contacting us for assistance. We recommend communicating this new number to your members, and updating any marketing materials with this change. While the previous number will continue to be associated with your organization, it will not be visible to your members when enrolling. New members can enroll by searching for either the new numberor the name of your organization.If you have any questions, please email CECOMMUNITYREWARDS@KROGER.com or visit our website at http://www.kroger.com.
- INFO: Enrollment deadline: November 3, 2018 https://engineering.purdue.edu/watersheds/academy.html 2019 application for the Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy is now available – Enroll now to improve your watershed management skills through Purdue University with support from IDEM Engage in basic and advanced level watershed topics covering leadership principles, watershed science, organization and communication, technology and GIS, stakeholder involvement techniques and policy skills
- Meet, learn from, and build a network of peers
- Interact with topic experts
- Gain strategies, skills, and resources for successful watershed management
- Earn a Professional Certificate in Watershed Management
- Academy Fee: Scholarships available, but classes are $750, due on December 14, 2018 (includes lodging and food for overnight and one-day workshops, plus all course materials).
- Format: Training includes three face-to-face group sessions and distance learning, online (approximately 3-4 hrs/week). The Academy runs from January to May, 2019. Specific workshop dates are January 8-9, April 3-4, and May 22, 2019.
- For more information and to fill out the application, please contact Sara Peel,765-337-9100 iwlasub@ecn.purdue.edu, or go to Academy Web Page http://engineering.purdue.edu/watersheds
I. Call to Order 7pm – Vice President, Celia Garza
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Members Meeting: November 5, 2018
A. President nominates Andrea Hamman
B. President nominates Lauren Conklin for Secretary
C. Other Board Members for suggestions of new board members/movement within the board
D. Details of Members Meeting: food? presentations? postcards for notifications?
IV. Upcoming Events:
C. 11th Annual Seed Harvest ~ October 20, 2018 ~SATURDAY 9am-NOON Eagle Marsh ~ 6300 Engle Road
Interest Pieces:
SAVE MAUMEE GRASSROOTS ORGANIZATION, INC.(GV037), We have recently upgraded our Community Rewards system, and as a result, your Non-Profit Organization (NPO) has a new account number. (GV037) Please reference the new number when contacting us for assistance. We recommend communicating this new number to your members, and updating any marketing materials with this change. While the previous number will continue to be associated with your organization, it will not be visible to your members when enrolling. New members can enroll by searching for either the new number or the name of your organization. If you have any questions, please email CECOMMUNITYREWARDS@KROGER.com or visit our website at http://www.kroger.com .
D. INFO: Enrollment deadline: November 3, 2018 https://engineering.purdue.edu/watersheds/academy.html 2019 application for the Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy is now available – Enroll now to improve your watershed management skills through Purdue University with support from IDEM Engage in basic and advanced level watershed topics covering leadership principles, watershed science, organization and communication, technology and GIS, stakeholder involvement techniques and policy skills
- Meet, learn from, and build a network of peers
- Interact with topic experts
- Gain strategies, skills, and resources for successful watershed management
- Earn a Professional Certificate in Watershed Management
Academy Fee: Scholarships available, but classes are $750, due on December 14, 2018 (includes lodging and food for overnight and one-day workshops, plus all course materials).
Format: Training includes three face-to-face group sessions and distance learning, online (approximately 3-4 hrs/week). The Academy runs from January to May, 2019. Specific workshop dates are January 8-9, April 3-4, and May 22, 2019.
For more information and to fill out the application, please contact Sara Peel,765-337-9100 iwlasub@ecn.purdue.edu, or go to Academy Web Page http://engineering.purdue.edu/watersheds
August 6, 2018 AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – Vice President, Celia Garza
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. September 8 Event (same day as Canoe Clean up) with – they want to remove invasive species
IV. U.S. Forest Service Grantor, Jeremy Peichel updates & will tour work sites tomorrow: August 7
A. Draft for signage (X4) at public sites: Moser, Heatherwood, Deetz
B. Approval needed to use logos for USDA, Forest Service, GLRI, EPA, (vote on putting: Upper Maumee Watershed Partnership)
V. Award from Isaac Walton League of America from President of Indiana Division, Keith Halper
A. Canoe Clean Up
B. Set date for Member Meeting
C. What are we providing to removal of black swallowwort and Callery Pear Removal? Deetz (callery pear) Oct 5 & 6
D. February Fundraiser at Tek Venture : Date? Name of Event? Update from July 23 committee meeting
VII. What do I do with the donation of this large tractor in the yard? Man says value approaches $6,500
VIII. Hoosier Environmental Council is looking to ramp up their volunteer program and is searching for some people in NE Indiana who might be interested in devoting a couple hours per week to HEC’s work in addition to going through a few training sessions. Please let me know if you have any ideas! CONTACT AMANDA SHEPHERD – Outreach Coordinator
Hoosier Environmental Council ashepherd@hecweb.org 317-476-2170 (cell)
IX. Allen County Hazardous Household Waste site is open! See what we said a while ago. THE NEW Allen County/ Ft. Wayne Solid Waste is now calling themselves: Allen County Department of Environmental Management. https://savemaumee.org/hazardous_household_waste/
Adjourn : 8:30
July 9, 2018 Agenda:
I. Call to Order 7pm – Vice President, Celia Garza
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. U.S. Forest Service Grantor, Jeremy Peichel updates & will tour work sites on August 7
A. Need to invite people involved : savemaumee.org/ditch-easements-need-vegetation/ Jeremy Freimuth, MS4 coordination, Drainage Board, landowners
IV. Water Schedule (July / August) & Invasive Dates (EARLY August/October) set: Riparian Buffer Initiative
B. Billboard should be up this Month – MMI Inc. sign on Coliseum near US30 / Maumee River at golf driving range – 1 year – what is the 2nd payment – EDITED
C. Paying for: X1,000 3 fold brochure and 1,000 stickers, 5 signs for frames (3 layers/sign)
D. Do we need a corporate brochure created in addition to current 3 fold?
E. Plans for FEBRUARY 2019 FUNDRAISER! – MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JULY 23, 2018 Call Lauren for details
F. Indiana Forest Alliance purchased a 3 Rivers Festival Table – SIGN UP HERE – Nick Joseph
H. Old Business – report to Gaming Commission submitted
Adjourn 8:30
May 7, 2018 AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – Vice President, Celia Garza
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest Pieces
IV. EARTH DAY 2018 – April 22 &23 wrap-up Report for Sixmile Creek:
Riparian Buffer Initiative – planted 460 trees
A. https://savemaumee.org/ditch-easements-need-vegetation/ – Six Mile Creek Strategy with ACDB for April 2018 project – Jeremy Freimuth, MS4 coordination, Drainage Board agenda and Altered Plan
B. Billboard Design & update – MMI Inc. sign on Coliseum near US30 / Maumee River at golf driving range
C. Corporate brochure + 3 fold Brochure Design – draft copy for mass print
F. Set a date/time/location for completing grant by May 10 – tonight?
G. U.S. Forest Service Grantor to tour sites on August 7 and attend Aug 6 meeting.
H. Old Business – need receipts for tie-dye supplies & t-shirts sweatshirts and report to Gaming Commission
Adjourn 8:30
February 5, 2018 AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest Pieces
IV. EARTH DAY 2018 scheduled for Sunday April 22nd and Monday April 23 Riparian Buffer Initiative – planting 460 trees
A. https://savemaumee.org/ditch-easements-need-vegetation/ – Seeking Six Mile Creek Strategy with ACDB for April 2018 project
B. Fundraising Committee for February 17, 2018 ~ Location: inside Tech Venture 1550 Griffin St, Fort Wayne, IN 46803 (south side of Tecumseh Street Bridge – turn east onto Herbert Street, then follow the road to the right and park in front of the sand volleyball courts. Saturday February 17, 2018 ~ A Bazaar Evening on the Maumee ~ It is the weekend after Valentines Day, so bring your sweetheart and the kids…or bring your neighbor and find a date! Either way, this will be an event to remember. More information will become available HERE: https://savemaumee.org/a-bazaar-evening-on-the-maumee/
V. Old Business
A. Sign up through Save Maumee with Amazon Smile and .5% of all money spent will go to our projects! Thank you! https://smile.amazon.com/ch/46-4159838
B. Must RE-register your Kroger Rewards Card to go to Save Maumee or it will not renew automatically.
* Enter Save Maumee’s NPO number 59503 or Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc., and click on confirm.
RE-REGISTER for KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: with Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc. by registering/login online: krogercommunityrewards.com Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card.
Adjourn 8:30
January 8, 2018 AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Welcome the new Board Members to Save Maumee!
IV. Interest Pieces
A. Commissioners Seek Input on Plans for Solid Waste Department Created: 04 January 2018 The Allen County Board of Commissioners is soliciting input and feedback on its plan to dissolve the Allen County Solid Waste Management District and transfer all the existing staff, assets and programs to a new department under its direction. A public hearing on the matter is scheduled for Friday, January 12, at 10 a.m. in the Commissioners Courtroom Citizens Square 035. You can view the plan by clicking here. Comments on the proposed plan may be sent in advance of the hwaring to commissioner@allencounty.us. See what we will say at the meeting HERE: https://savemaumee.org/hazardous_household_waste/
B. Public Upper Maumee Watershed Partnership meeting on Wed. Jan. 10, 2018 from 6:30 – 8 pm at the Community Memorial Hospital meeting room in Hicksville, OH. SPEAKER: Dr. Doug Kane, Defiance College, “Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Bloom detection in Western Lake Erie and the Maumee River using sensor technology”.
V. EARTH DAY 2018 scheduled for Sunday April 22nd and Monday April 23 Riparian Buffer Initiative – planting 460 trees
A. https://savemaumee.org/ditch-easements-need-vegetation/ – Seeking Six Mile Creek Strategy with ACDB for April 2018 project
B. Fundraising Committee for February 17, 2018 ~ Location: inside Tech Venture 1550 Griffin St, Fort Wayne, IN 46803 (south side of Tecumseh Street Bridge – turn east onto Herbert Street, then follow the road to the right and park in front of the sand volleyball courts. Saturday February 17, 2018 ~ A Bazaar Evening on the Maumee ~ It is the weekend after Valentines Day, so bring your sweetheart and the kids…or bring your neighbor and find a date! Either way, this will be an event to remember. More information will become available HERE: https://savemaumee.org/a-bazaar-evening-on-the-maumee/
VI. Old Business
A. Sign up through Save Maumee with Amazon Smile and .5% of all money spent will go to our projects! Thank you! https://smile.amazon.com/ch/46-4159838
B. Must RE-register your Kroger Rewards Card to go to Save Maumee or it will not renew automatically.
* Enter Save Maumee’s NPO number 59503 or Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc., and click on confirm.
RE-REGISTER for KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: with Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc. by registering/login online: krogercommunityrewards.com Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization for us to receive a portion of money from Kroger!
- IF you already have a Kroger Plus card, you can register your card# with your organization after you sign up!
- If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.
- Click on Sign In/Register
- Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box UNLESS you already have a Kroger card NUMBER – then just complete the required information with your already existing number on your card.
- Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions
- You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
- Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
- Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
- Update or confirm your information.
- Enter Save Maumee’s NPO number 59503 or Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc., and click on confirm.
- To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page.
- REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after your member(s) register their card(s).
- Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number.
- Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count.
adjourn at 8:30pm
Past Meeting Agendas:
AGENDA December 4, 2017
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest pieces
IV. Upcoming To Do List
Drainage Board Meeting where we discussed the need for vegetation on ONE SIDE OF DRAINS: https://savemaumee.org/ditch-easements-need-vegetation/ – Six Mile Creek Strategy with ACDB for April 2018 project
A. Schedule a Board Meeting
B. April Six Mile Creek Project scheduled for Sunday April 22 & Monday April 23: Riparian Buffer Initiative
C. Schedule Member Meeting 2018
D. Fundraising Committee for February 17, 2018 ~ Saturday February 17, 2018 ~ A Bazaar Evening on the Maumee ~ More information will become available HERE: https://savemaumee.org/a-bazaar-evening-on-the-maumee/
V. Old Business
adjourn at 8:30pm
~NOVEMBER 6, 2017 MEMBERS ONLY MEETING – CLICK HERE FOR AGENDA or become a Member today by clicking here!
We believe in full disclosure and transparency. CLICK FOR PAST MEETINGS or Click to download ⇒ Agenda 120114
October 2, 2017
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest pieces
A. Sierra Club – Johnny Appleseed & Save Maumee COMMENTS: Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, [Indiana] Domestic Action Plan for the Western Lake Erie Basin
B. HEC partnership
IV. Drainage Board Meeting where we discussed the need for vegetation on ONE SIDE OF DRAINS: https://savemaumee.org/ditch-easements-need-vegetation/
A. Schedule a Board Meeting
B. Deetz Nature Preserve project: Oct. 14 & 15, 2017. Riparian Buffer Initiative
C. Invasive removal update for Deetz
VI. Old Business
A. Member Meeting: Scheduled for November 6
B. Canoe Clean Up success
C. Fundraising Committee for February 17, 2018 ~ “A Bizarre Evening on the Maumee River” Location: inside Tech Venture 1550 Griffin St, Fort Wayne, IN 46803 (south side of Tecumseh Street Bridge – turn east onto Herbert Street, then follow the road to the right and park in front of the sand volleyball courts.
Fun House, garage sale, Belly Dancing, Henna, raffle, photo booth, meal tickets, desert sculpture
D. Six Mile Creek Strategy with ACDB for April 2018 project
adjourn at 8:30pm
September 11, 2017 AGENDA
Call to Order: 7pm President
UPCOMING EVENTS: IF it’s underlined it is hyperlinked
A. 10th Annual Canoe Clean-Up, Can YOU Clean-Up?
~Saturday September 9, 2017~ Cass Street (off Wells Street)
*THANKS TO: Fort Wayne Outfitters Bike Depot, Food NOT Bombs, Old Crown Coffee, Fort Wayne Harley Davidson, Brad Mottinger, Hall’s Triangle Park
B. INVASIVE REMOVAL Sept. 25, 26, 29,30 and Oct 2 – DEETZ NATURE PRESERVE, Parrott Road, New Haven/Fort Wayne
Monday September 25 – 11am-6pm
Tuesday September 26 – 11am-6pm
Friday September 29 – 11am-6pm
Saturday September 30 – WHEN DO YOU WANT TO DO IT?
Monday October 2 – 11am-6pm THEN MONDAY MONTHLY MEETING ON OCTOBER 2 – 7-8:30
Thursday October 12, 2017 TREES WILL BE DELIVERED TO DEETZ
*PARKING WILL BE TIGHT, Lauren asking neighbors if we can park near
*Will need reusable water bottles before the 3 day tree planting – Celia Renaissance Point, Alissa YMCA
*Need secure dates for sections stations – see map
C. 10th Annual Seed Harvest
~Saturday October 7, 2017~
NOON-4pm at Eagle Marsh, LRWP
D. Planting 380 Trees over 2 Days
~Saturday October 14, 2017~
~Sunday October 15, 2017~
STATIONS: Jain Young – “How to plant a tree”, Alissa Hart – Welcome, Lydia LaMont – Satellite, Jennie Nicklin – Section 1, Ellen Bauman – Section 2, Section 3__________, Abigail King – Section 4, Inri McKeithan – Section 5 , Celia Garza – Section 6, Lauren Conklin – Section 7
*need help Lauren? “public welcome” sign made (steel ground signs)
*make sure to tell them to pick up trash on their way IN AND OUT ~THANKS
*PARKING WILL BE TIGHT – Lauren to check on parking on Parrott Road business owner property diagonally opposite to Deetz parking lot.
E. ~MONDAY NOVEMBER 6th, 2017~ click on link for to INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!
Members Only – $25 is Annual Individual Membership ($10 for students and senior membership)
6pm-8pm…but you can purchase your annual membership at the door!
* Review of documents for Member Meeting & SEND – VP
*Member recognition for Aug/Sept. 2017 – Jain+Celia to meet
*Alissa to order cake with Ben or Jake Hall & send out invitation to members
*Celia to secure keynote speaker
*Invite your friends to become a member or click here: https://savemaumee.org/annual-members-meeting/
F. Fundraising Committee for February 17, 2018 ~ “A Bizarre Evening on the Maumee River” Location: inside Tech Venture 1550 Griffin St, Fort Wayne, IN 46803 (south side of Tecumseh Street Bridge – turn east onto Herbert Street, then follow the road to the right and park in front of the sand volleyball courts.
Fun House, garage sale, Belly Dancing, Henna, raffle, photo booth, meal tickets, desert sculpture
G. Six Mile Creek Strategy with ACDB for April 2018 project
*& Related Sierra Club/HEC comments:
HEC will do the heavy lifting, but would like Save Maumee’s feedback on the content of the workshop (i.e what topics would you specifically like to see covered relating to CAFOs?) and assistance getting the word out to your membership and the community at large!
Program and Outreach Associate
Hoosier Environmental Council
*Solar Initiative – Celia, Solarize Fort Wayne – Indiana?
* Defiance College Land to Lakes Conference Thursday August 28, 2017
*November 18, 2017 State Environmental Leaders Conference, MN https://www.eventbrite.com/e/state-environmental-leaders-conference-2017-tickets-34320038158
*Celia’s group at IPFW received award for Allen County 3 R’s Waste Reduction Award and she has been running NE Indiana Sierra Club Network. Volunteers needed for Johnny Appleseed Festival recycling initiative.
*Access Fort Wayne now to cover the Allen County Drainage Board Meetings via August 24th meeting with Allen County Drainage Board
*Save Maumee comments made to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement https://savemaumee.org/comments-to-glwqa-for-indiana/
*Riverfront Development made this statement about riparian buffers! http://riverfrontfw.org/ecology-riverfront-development/ and their Riparian Buffer Plan is a link on this page!
August 7 – AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest pieces
A. Can someone attend :Urban Forest Planning Adaption and Practices https://forestadaptation.org/UrbanFAPP-online
B. Wednesday August 9, 2017 6-8 Great Tree Canopy Comeback Kickoff Mixer – Reserve by August 2nd to receive a free box dinner. fotpannualmeeting.eventbrite.com
C. Celia – Energy Meeting THIS Saturday, ACPL Downtown, 6pm?
D. Abby to speak at Democratic Breakfast, August 12 at 8:30am 7301 Decatur Rd. (corner of Tillman & Decatur Rd)
IV. Drainage Board Meeting where we discussed the need for vegetation on ONE SIDE OF DRAINS: https://savemaumee.org/ditch-easements-need-vegetation/
A. Schedule a Board Meeting
V. Deetz Nature Preserve project public date in October. Riparian Buffer Initiative
A. Date to start invasive removal, after September
VI. Canoe Clean Up PAGE HERE
Old Business
VII. Environmental Advocate Training-August 12 (2pm-9pm) Facebook Invite here
VIII. Member Meeting: Scheduled for November 6 – Need Committee & Keynote
June 5, 2017 AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement ( Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest pieces
IV. Riparian Buffer Initiative
A. UPDATED & COMPLETED: Trier Ditch complete plan set updated
1. Lessons learned from Trier Ditch project
B. New site location for Bullerman, October date to be set
C. Upper Maumee Watershed Partnership Meeting
D. Signage for Trier Ditch Projects: Moser & Heatherwood
A. Pedal, Paddle, Play JUNE 10, 2017 (SATURDAY) – http://fwoutfitters.com/pedal-paddle-play/
B. Riverfront Gathering JUNE 23,24,25 – Defiance Ohio http://visitdefianceohio.com/event/riverfront-gathering/
C. The Peoples Summit – JUNE 9, 10, 11 Chicago, IL – https://www.thepeoplessummit.org
D. May have to cancel September 9 – Save Maumee Canoe Clean Up, July 1st FWOBD on Cass St. entire area may be closed due to Riverfront Development fencing.
May 1, 2017 AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest pieces
IV. Riparian Buffer Initiative Updates from Earth Day
V. NEW Entire Riparian Buffer: Printer Pairs
A Trier Ditch draft plan set – Section Leaders
B. Earth Day PDF
April 3, 2017 Agenda
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest pieces
IV. Riparian Buffer Initiative Updates
A. DRAFT DESIGN SPECS Trier Ditch draft plan set – Section Leaders
B. Earth Day PDF
C. The Bands
D. Vendors/Science March 10am April 22
March 6, 2017 Agenda:
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement -Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest pieces
A. REGISTER for KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: with Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc. by registering online: krogercommunityrewards.com Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization for us to receive a portion of money from Kroger!
IV. Riparian Buffer Initiative Updates
Earth Day PDF
February 6, 2017 Monday Monthly Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (Member Information Link HERE)
III. Interest pieces
A. REGISTER for KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM: with Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc. by registering online: krogercommunityrewards.com Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization for us to receive a portion of money from Kroger!
- IF you already have a Kroger Plus card, you can register your card# with your organization after you sign up!
- If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.
- Click on Sign In/Register
- Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box UNLESS you already have a Kroger card NUMBER – then just complete the required information with your already existing number on your card.
- Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions
- You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
- Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
- Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
- Update or confirm your information.
- Enter Save Maumee’s NPO number 59503 or Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc., and click on confirm.
- To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page.
- REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after your member(s) register their card(s).
- Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number.
- Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count.
B. Please share your pics with Blue Roots Project (Dec. 2016 meeting)
C. Registration for DNR Tree Steward Program
D. Hoosier Environmental Council, Amanda Shepherd wants to host Fort Wayne environmental advocate training; needs date and 20 people to attend.
IV. Fundraising Committee Report for February 25, 2017 Fundraiser at The Phoenix, with Terry Ratliff Artisan LINK TO PURCHASE TICKETS HERE
A. Advertising – WE NEED TO PRINT SOME MATERIAL – stickers, brochures, update print job to Riparian Buffer Initiative
V. Riparian Buffer Initiative update for Trier & progress – Specific Trier Ditch Map windshield survey and
2016 Official Interim Report Submission.
A. NEED to secure more than one date for Earth Day. April 22nd is a Saturday – we need one more full day of planting. – half day on Friday half day on Sunday – Earth Day Weekend
B. Trier Ditch site that we are partnering with New Haven Parks & Rec. and working with New Haven Department of Planning stated: “Regulated drains in Allen County generally have a 75′ maintenance easement on either side of the ditch for the purpose of removing brush, debris, etc. in order to facilitate proper drainage. Perhaps their [Allen County] office would be willing to work in partnership with Save Maumee to help accomplish their goals. http://www.allencounty.us/surveyor-s-office. If you are looking for specific property owner information I would suggest looking at the county’s IMAP data viewer at http://www.acimap.us/viewer.html”
– ALMOST ALL are maintained by Allen County.
VI. Member Reports
VII. New Business
adjourn: 8:30pm
To find your representative: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/
It is important right now to call and write your elected officials on a range of reasons. Call the ones who represent YOU! Here is the number: (202) 224-3121 IF you do not know what to say, write it before. The person on the other end of the phone will want to know your NAME, ADDRESS and WHY you are calling . Use a one liner like, “I would like to ask my representative [Jim Banks, Joe Donnelly, Todd Young] to deny Scott Pruitt’s nomination for the EPA because I do not think he is able to represent the office he has been nominated to serve.” Then ask HOW THEY PLAN TO VOTE-ON the topic. I truly know it is frustrating with all the information floating around, but be diligent and watch closely one issue that matters to you and help to CHANGE IT! Doing one small act EVERYDAY, is always the goal! (instead of feeling helpless, watching on the sidelines).
HB 1026 http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2017/bills/house/1026 – Save Maumee suggests OPPOSE this Bill
Roadside vegetation management. Requires the Indiana department of transportation to mow roadside vegetation a minimum number of times a year. Requires the first mowing of roadside vegetation in a calendar year to be performed when 50% of the vegetation in a sight line is 12″ in height.
INDOT currently performs statewide roadside vegetation management two times per year at a total cost of $8 M (or $4 M per mowing). As proposed, the state would be split in half at U.S. 40, with the northern part of the state being mowed four times per year (an increase of two times) and the southern part mowed six times per year (an increase of four times). In total, INDOT will perform an additional three statewide mowings per year. At $4 M per mowing, this bill is expected to increase State Highway Fund expenditures by $12 M per year for mowing.
HB 1608 http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2017/bills/house/1608 – Save Maumee suggests you SUPPORT this Bill Natural resource funding. Establishes additional fees for motor vehicle registration, and provides that the additional motor vehicle registration fees must be distributed to the: (1) clean water Indiana fund; and (2) President Benjamin Harrison conservation trust fund (conservation trust fund). Imposes, in certain situations, payments in lieu of taxes on properties purchased by the conservation trust fund.
Please considering emailing/calling your Representatives and ask they support. Ask they consider co-authoring. Also please email these key legislators expressing your support.
Rep. Jim Arnold h74@in.gov
Rep. Tim Brown h41@in.gov
Rep. Gregory Porter h96@in.gov
HB 1202 http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2017/bills/house/1202 – STAUNCH OPPOSITION OF THIS BILL PLEASE
FYI on giveaway of state lands. Ohio River is quite a ways from Ft. Wayne and the Maumee but there are precedents and this could spread to other rivers.
Ownership of banks of the Ohio River. Provides that in all places where the southern border of the state of Indiana, as determined according to the low water mark of the Ohio River as it was when Kentucky became a state in 1792, is coterminous with the banks of the Ohio River on the Indiana side of the Ohio River, the person or persons who hold title in fee simple to the land in Indiana adjoining the Ohio River are owners of the land all the way to the border of the state of Indiana. Provides that the state of Indiana, which owns the banks of all navigable waterways in Indiana up to the ordinary high watermark, relinquishes its ownership interest in the part of the banks of the Ohio River to the extent necessary to make the person or persons holding title in fee simple to the land adjoining the Ohio River owners of the land all the way to the border of the state of Indiana.
There was a precedence a few years ago the legislature passed a similar law giving the public beach (down to low water mark) to adjacent private landowners on Lake Michigan. Where does this stop? Conceivability this could be extended to all public water within the state like the Wabash River. Might impact ability to float streams and jump shoot ducks.
A WIN! For example, The Wilderness Society reporting a “win” because constituents called their elected officials! After political pressure, Rep. Chaffetz who introduced… and then withdrew his bill! H.R. 621, would have allowed the sell off of 3.3 million acres of national public land in 10 western states. Citizens throughout the U.S. who treasure public lands expressed outrage about the bill and STOPPED IT!
Want to learn about leading issues facing Indiana’s environment with Hoosier Environmental Council?
There are no less than five upcoming events to get you up to speed!
1) February 6: Indianapolis – St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
2) February 8: West Lafayette – West Lafayette Public Library
3) February 9: Greencastle – Putnam County Public Library
4) February 11: Indiana Civic Day – Indiana State Library
5) February 15: Sustainable Living Seminar – Carmel Library
Want to publicly share your views about the environment to lawmakers?
There are at least seven town hall meetings (called “Third House”) happening across Indiana in the coming ten days!
1) Columbus – Monday, February 6th (and Monday, February 13th)
2) Hamilton County – Friday, February 10th
3) Elkhart – Friday, February 10th
4) Boone County – Saturday, February 11th
5) Evansville – Saturday, February 11th
6) Huntington County – Saturday, February 11th
7) Madison County – Monday, February 13th
And don’t forget about HEC’s next volunteer training, Wednesday, February 8th!
If you would like to learn more about the bills moving through the legislature and talking points for conversing with your representative and senator, please visit our Bill Watch 2017 page.
January 2. 2017 Monday Monthly Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement (PAYPAL LINK & Member Information Link HERE)
III. Please share your pics with Blue Roots Project (Dec. 2016 meeting)
IV. Fundraising Committee Report for February Fundraiser
A. Advertising
V. Riparian Buffer Initiative update for Trier & progress – Specific Trier Ditch Map windshield survey
VI. Member Reports
VII. New Business
A. Executive Board of Trustees for 2017 Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc.
*President – Abigail Frost-King
*Vice President – Celia Garza
*Executive Secretary – Alissa Hart
*Treasurer – Jain Young
Adjourn 8:30
FYI: You’re invited to join Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Advocates Workshop in 2017!
Ricky Janquera, Deputy Press Secretary with the Sierra Club is leading this workshop designed to provide guidance, practice, and space for people to hone-in their advocacy skills with the Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign. There will be education, training, and practice elements during this workshop.
Let’s win in 2017! Kick the year off right by attending this workshop to strengthen and practice your advocacy skills, and to come together with a community of people dedicated to moving your city away from coal to clean energy; and protecting clean air, clean water and the climate.
Below is a menu of items you’ll feel more confident engaging in following this workshop:
- Speaking to your networks about why and how we can move our community beyond coal
- Speaking at events in support of moving the community beyond coal to clean energy
- Providing quotes or being interviewed by media
- Writing op-eds and letters to the editor
- Attending editorial board meetings
- Speaking with community leaders, and elected officials
- Speaking on radio shows
Anyone who would be excited to speak to their friends, family and community about the need for us to move away from coal to clean energy is welcome to attend.
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE WORKSHOP! for details, Megan Anderson, Associate Organizing Representative, Sierra Club, (812) 325-0685, megan.anderson@sierr
MUNCIE: Thursday, January 5, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Unitarian Universalist Church of Muncie, 4800 W Bradford Dr, Muncie, IN 47304
FORT WAYNE: Saturday, January 7, 2:00-4:00 pm, Fellowship Hall, Plymouth Congregational Church, 501 W Berry St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802
SOUTH BEND: Sunday, January 8, 2:00-4:00 EST, First Unitarian Church, 801 E Washington St, South Bend, IN 46617
December 5, 2016 Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order 7pm – President
II. Membership acknowledgement from Nov. Member Meeting
III. Special request to share our work with Blue Roots Project
IV. New Business
A. Announcement from Aiste’, Ball State Graduate student, working with a team called The Blue Roots Project. #myblueroots @bluerootsproject
Mission: to encourage people across the world to share art and stories related to water in their lives and their community. Project will help to document challenges and issues and share conversations of how water affects us and our community and share hope. Save Maumee leaders should be prepared to share their connection to water and document stores via audio/photo/video after adjourning this meeting. CONTACT INFO: Aistė Manfredini Graduate student | Emerging Media Design and Development Graduate Assistant | Unified Media Lab amanfredini [AT] bsu.edu | 847-691-7371
B. Fundraiser Discussion – Fundraiser outreach with Terry Ratliff owner of Terry Ratliff Fine Art and The Phoenix’s Sarah Sperry (any day the week before Valentines Day 2017) – possibly a Wine and Canvass – Art Show – Silent Auction/Raffle – Live Entertainment – Food Service
V. Member Reports
A. Member request discussion to have Indigenous Native American Action on the Maumee
B. Other
Adjourn 8:30
*Upon adjourning, please prepare to make a statement on camera for your connection to water for the Blue Roots Project if you would like to be involved.
AGENDA~ Monday, OCTOBER 3, 2016
Call to Order 7pm – President
I. Membership & Acknowledgement of new members
* Member Meeting – Member updates & keynote
II. Upcoming Events: promoted at Middle Waves, Democratic Dinner
*Seed Harvest – Park at Boy Scouts of America – MOST PRODUCTIVE EVENT
*October 20, Thursday- tree unloading and setup for event over next 3 days
*3 Day Tree Planing – preparations? map creation, web signage – verbiage of what online “sign” should say?
-Lacrosse Team, Canterbury School
III. New Buisness
*Update to our newest grant awarded: The Federal Forest Service Great Lakes Restoration grant was awarded for ROUND 2 of Save Maumee Riparian Buffer Initiative Phase II! We have been selected to continue funding for our initiative through the year 2018! Starting in October our new grant will be processed and plans will be set for Trier Ditch, Bullerman Ditch & Six Mile Creek!
*Continued oversight of Allen County Drainage Board and vegetation removal found here:
Adjourned 8:30
Labor Day Minutes September 5, 2016
Call to Order: 7:17 Adjourned: 8:31
Role call: Lydia & Lee LaMont, Jain Young, Ryan Bailey, Alissa Hart, Rowan Green, Abigail Frost-King
*No minutes to approve
*New Member Andy Wolff
*Member meeting will be Monday Nov. 7th at Hall’s Gas House 7-8:30pm – invitations must be sent out 30 days in advance. Make invitations
*Alissa Hart to work with graphic design for branding and publications for print & wants to help remove the 400 lbs of fencing (X 34 rolls) from outside our Six Mile Creek work site.
* Mo Palmer, IPFW Grad Student working with Riverfront Dev. to remove selective invasive species in the 3 mile project area, concerns still lie with indiscriminate removal with chemical herbicides.
*Northeast Indiana Water Trails Strategic Planning session is scheduled for October 28th todiscuss the outcome of the 1st annual Pedal, Paddle, and Play, the NEI Water Trails website and garner any input you may have on future plans for the NEI Water Trails.
*Abby will bring Save Maumee signs for a photo op at Canoe Clean Up & for the after party at CS3
*Rowan Green suggested for Earth Day 2017, to have “Rising Appalachia” musical group in town. They work along side Permaculture Action Hub and we may need to come up with money to have them attend/play. Jain will write a template to submit the grant Bill Brown suggested.
final Blue-Green Algae Report for the season: http://www.in.gov/idem/algae/ We are ending the season with 11 lakes/reservoirs with a high cell count recreation advisory. I would think this should be of deep concern to our state officials. When you are speaking with candidates for office, I suggest you mention this count to them. Of course, it is also important to mention the 303 d list of impaired waters.
Monday August 1, 2016 AGENDA
I. 7pm – Call to Order/ Introductions – President
II. Approve Minutes – Secretary
III. Membership
A. Member acknowledgement
B. Member Reports
C. Terry Doran has shared his movie and it is now uploaded to the Save Maumee youtube account (thanks to Greg Morrical) https://youtu.be/EaZVWU0ViDI
IV. Old Business
A. Site discussion RE: Earth Day sites 1 & 2 in Bullerman – still have not thanked everyone
B. Current campaign INITIATIVE – Civil Rights & nondiscriminatory policy for project: CLICK HERE
V. New Business
A. Six Mile Creek site “Invasive Removal” report from July 21, 22, and 23 SEE HERE: https://savemaumee.org/save-maumee-riparian-buffer-initiative/
B. 3 Day Tree Planting 2016
Friday Oct. 21, NOON-5pm
Saturday Oct. 22, NOON-5pm
Sunday Oct. 23, NOON-3pm
C. Fundraiser needed! $ needed! https://savemaumee.org/all-upcoming-events/
1. Canoe Clean Up
2. Seed Harvest
3. Annual Member Meeting
a. elections
D. Preparation for Drainage Board Meeting on August 25, 2016 at 9:30am – garden level of Citizens Square RE: removal of vegetation on riverbanks.
E. Other events happening: Riverfront Gathering – 5-8pm in Defiance Ohio on Friday August 5. http://visitdefianceohio.com
adjourn 8:30
Monday June 6, 2016 AGENDA
I. 7pm – Call to Order/ Introductions – President
II. Approve Minutes – Secretary
III. Membership
A. Member acknowledgement
IV. Old Business
A. Update the Bullerman (sites 1 & 2)
1. Tree Update
2. Watering
3. Reporting to Federal Gov. for 1st quarter (6 months)
https://savemaumee.org/earth-day-2016/ They need to be thanked!
B. Current campaign SEE HERE: SAVE MAUMEE RIPARIAN BUFFER INITIATIVE – Civil Rights & nondiscriminatory policy for project: CLICK HERE
V. New Business:
A. Six Mile Creek sites 3 & 4 (out of 6) 3 day preparation to remove invasives & SET DATE FOR TREE PLANTING (460 trees will be planted in Sept. OR October 2016)
*Thursday JULY 21, 4pm-9pm
*Friday JULY 22, 4pm-9pm
*Saturday JULY 23 exact time for work day TO-BE-DETERMINED
B.Parks and rec. Department are preparing a GLRI grant application to replace up to 600 urban street trees. The project area is roughly Anthony Blvd on the east from IPFW to the Hosey Dam and everything west to the rivers – St. Joe and Maumee.
What is needed, if the language is there, are parts of the Watershed Management Plans (St. Joe and Upper Maumee) that might address: 1. Tree planting, 2. reducing run-off (tree uptake) 3. Improved habitat that would aid in capturing phosphorous or any WMP specifics that would reinforce the planting of trees. The grant check box is to mitigate the devastation of the Emerald Ask Borer.
Sara Nichter. She is doing the writing and pulling together supporting documents. She is specifically looking for letters of support from organizations. Can Save Maumee and the St. Joseph River Watershed Initiative write a letter of support this project? Sara will be sending you additional information that would focus your letter efforts. Also – again if there is specific language from the WMP that could support this project please share with Sara. If you could provide a link to your WMP of a PDF copy that would help as well.
From: Sarah Nichter [mailto:Sarah.Nichter@cityoffortwayne.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 10:52 AM
To: Chad Tinkel; Derek Veit
Cc: Alec Johnson; Dan Wire (danwire@omirivers.org); Anne Marie Smrchek
Subject: meeting with others
Importance: High
Hi all – we are applying for $100,000 to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative through the Forest Service, and we need to get a meeting where we can brainstorm about how we can meet all the qualifications of this grant (we want to get it done by the 17th – so there’s a rush). We are focusing on restoring canopy lost to the EAB and improving the water quality of a watershed going into the Great Lakes.
This is a collaboration grant, so we want to get you and any others that should be involved in a watershed issue together. Chad was thinking the Lakeside/Northside area would be perfect for this – as we can apply for $100,000 in trees and could make a significant impact on sedimentation for Lake Erie.
I also need letters of commitment and collaboration from you to show that we’re all working for the same purpose – to intercept and slow down the volume of sediment by restoring our lost tree canopy. The instructions say “including qualitative and quantitative contributions toward project planning and implementation.” I’m attaching the Mayor’s letter, though I imagine yours would be more specific to the project.
Which leads me to ask: can we get together for a meeting ASAP? I have listed a number of dates and times when I am available – please “reply all” and let us all know your available times, too – by my listing. That way, we can get something nailed down. Thanks everyone!
June 6th – anytime
June 7th – anytime
June 8th – morning
June 9th – afternoon
June 10th – morning
Sarah Nichter
Manager-information & development
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation
Cost share is being taken care of by the Parks and Rec. Dept. Planting, if the grant is approved, will begin in the fall of 2017.The application is due before the end of the month so this call for help needs to be fast tracked.
C. Someone should attend:
D.RiverDrums Sunday June 19 & Riverpalooza June 25
8:30 adjourn
Monday May 2, 2016 AGENDA
I. 7pm – Call to Order/ Introductions – President
II. Approve Minutes – Secretary
III. Membership
A. Member acknowledgement
B. Check-up Groupon “free” advertising and effectiveness
IV. Old Business
A. Update the Bullerman (sites 1 & 2) / Earth Day
1. Tree Selection / Design Plan
2. Who were the other musicians? I have The Renz Brothers for an hour on the website: https://savemaumee.org/earth-day-2016/ They need to be thanked!
4. Civil Rights & nondiscriminatory policy for project: CLICK HERE
B. Earth Day reimbursement receipts MUST BE GIVEN TO ME BY THIS MEETING DATE
V. New Business: Six Mile Creek location planning
1. Setup of Volunteers for watering schedule for Bullerman project area
8:30 adjourn
Monday April 4, 2016
I. 7pm – Call to Order/ Introductions – President
II. Approve Minutes – Secretary
III. Membership
A. Member acknowledgement
B. Check on Groupon “free” advertising and effectiveness
1. Need to create certificate and print
2. Need to assure all are validated by 4pm on April 17
IV. Old Business
A. Update the Bullerman (sites 1 & 2) / Earth Day
1. Tree Selection
2. Design Plan
4. Civil Rights & nondiscriminatory policy for project: CLICK HERE
B. Earth Day Setup and advertising
1. Please share the event on your favorite social media: https://savemaumee.org/earth-day-2016
2. Abby and volunteers will be on site PLEASE JOIN US
* Thursday April 14: 10am-4pm – unloading trees & setup site
* Friday April 15: 10am-4pm – 30 yard dumpster delivered, unloading trees, Port-a-John (Lydia)
* Saturday April 16: 10am-4pm – complete tree inventory and mark locations of specific trees, set up tent (Lydia), setup tables (Jain), setup site completion
*Sunday April 17 – EARTH DAY HERE: https://savemaumee.org/earth-day-2016/
NEED SIGNS FOR OUR LOCATION – afraid people will go to the usual spot on Niagara
1. recommended examples: “Earth Day this way ->” X at least 4 signs, “REGISTRATION/INFO”, “Save Maumee Parking”
1. Tree Referee – the trees must be perfect if they want to live. Jain will assist all Tree Referee Volunteers Who? How Many?.
2. Celia – INFO BOOTH – groupon, waiver, registration – needs assistance since she will be there alone & Abby will be at the riverbank with the trees – I am going to wear a yellow vest for easy ID and may have more reflective vests for easy ID for tree referees.
3. Were there other musicians? I have The Renz Brothers for an hour on the website: https://savemaumee.org/earth-day-2016/
4. Someone to wear Bag Monster? ___________
Important to note for tree planting:
1. DO NOT REMOVE ANY TAGS FROM TREES (this task will be completed in 2017 upon inventory by the Forest Service and will remove tags then)
2. DO NOT MAKE TREE HOLE BIGGER THAN THE POT – this is a violent riverbank and will flood, so it is recommended we do not disturb more soil than we have to.
5. THEN the newly installed tree will be WATERED with river water.
8:30 adjourn
AGENDA: MONDAY October 5, 2015
I. 7pm – Call to Order/Introductions – President
II. Approve Minutes – Secretary
A. Membership Meeting DATE: November 9, 2015
(CLICK to see last years Membership Meeting)
III. Membership acknowledgment
A. Become a member at this meeting if you would like to vote in this election, sit on the board, or just support the work!
IV. Old Business
A. Federal 319 we submitted has made it to the YES pile. We find out if we are funded -YES or NO- around December 17 2015: Upper Maumee Watershed Implementation grant
B. City of Fort Wayne has included us in their GLRI grant submitted for vegetation plantings/ exotics removal (2 X per month from April-October 2016-2017.
V. Member Updates
VII. New Business
adjourn 8:30pm
AGENDA: Monday September 14, 2015
I. 7pm – Call to Order/Introductions – President
II. Approve Minutes – Secretary
A. Secure Date for Membership Meeting
(CLICK to see last years Membership Meeting)
III. Membership acknowledgment
A. Become a member at this meeting if you would like to vote in this election, sit on the board, or just support the work!
IV. Old Business
A. Canoe Clean-Up
B. Presentation for American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK)
C. Hazardous Household Waste Initiative is moving forward with the city!
V. Member Updates
VII. New Business
A. Federal 319 submitted: Upper Maumee Watershed Implementation grant
B. Vote to partner with NIRCC for the GLRI grant application due on Sept. 28, 2015
* Sign up for Board Bootcamp on Saturday Oct. 3 2015 – 9am-noon at Downtown Allen County Public Library
Adjourn 8:30pm
Monday August 3, 2015 – AGENDA
I. 7pm – Call to Order / Introductions – President
II. Approve Minutes – Secretary
III. Old Business
A. Raft Race Cancellation – REPORT HERE
IV. New Business
A. SEPTEMBER 12 – Saturday – Canoe Clean Up at Fort Wayne Outfitters Bike Depot on Cass Street (off Wells St.)
B. OCTOBER 17 – Saturday – Seed Harvest at Little River Wetland Project off Engle Rd.
C. Annual Member Meeting – President
1. How can we motivate people to attend? – call them! ________
D. Waterways of the U.S. update – Secretary
E. Member Updates
F. Adjourn – 8:30
TUESDAY July 7, 2015 – Agenda
I. 7pm – Call to Order/Introductions – President
II. Approve Minutes – Secretary
III. Membership acknowledgment
A. Become a member at this meeting if you would like to vote in this election, sit on the board, or just support the work!
IV. Old Business
V. Canoe Trip 2015 Discussion for Saturday July 18th, 2015
VI. Board of Director Updates
VII. Member Updates
MINUTES: May 4, 2015- Public Monthly Meeting;
Called to order: 7:00 PM Adjourned 8:47 PM
May 4, 2015 AGENDA
I. Call to Order/Introductions: President
II. Approve Minutes: Secretary
III. Membership acknowledgment
A. One can become a member at this meeting if you would like to vote in this election, sit on the board, or just support the work.
IV. Old Business
A. Grants
B. 10th Annual Earth Day Recap – who else needs to be thanked?
C. River Summit Recap
V. New Business
A. Decide on next board meeting date/time/location
B. Decide Three Rivers Festival Presence in July
C. Decide Canoe Clean Up Date in September
D. Decide Seed Harvest Date & Member Meeting Dates in October
E. Sign the Support Statement for riparian areas next to ditches – everyone should sign (if you have not already)
F. Creation of a new Membership Brochure
G. Curt Meyer is engineering a “floating wetland”
H. Curt Meyer has created the locations of pictures: Maumee Matters 141 Mile Trip:
Day 1 April 19 http://arcg.is/1E5egNU
Day 2 April 20 http://arcg.is/1ALQaoD
Day 3 April 21 http://arcg.is/1E2OIP0
Day 4 April 22 http://arcg.is/1EBvIVr
Day 5 April 23 http://arcg.is/1xcjQvE
Day 6 April 24 http://arcg.is/1EBvyNW
Day 7 April 25 http://arcg.is/1EBw0Mb
Day 8 April 26 http://arcg.is/1EBw2Ua
V. NEED: To follow up with the Army Corps of Engineers while they review and develop the new Vegetation Management Policy. More info here:http://savemaumee.org/help-protect-vegetation-in-committee-on-capitol-hill-right-now/
VI. NEED to follow up with the Implementation Conference Attendees!
Vice President Report for April 2015
Very busy month with Spring blooming! I wanted you to know my vacation will be from June 23 to July 8 and working full-time all summer at Safeway.
- Upper Maumee Watershed Partnership meeting May 6, 2015 6-7 pm at the Community Memorial Hospital in Hicksville. Someone should attend because I am unable
- THIS Friday – 9am – speaking at Niagara Dr. to 40 middle schoolers
- EVERY OTHER Friday there will be water monitoring at designated locations along ditches in the Upper Maumee watershed, please call Sarah Loshe – 494-6904 if you would like to help her sample water with Sierra Club and IPFW’s Environmental Resources Center (ERC) – Bruce Allen is helping to include the Buddhist community with this initiative.
- THIS Friday at NOON I am speaking to the Sierra Club water testing group at Camp Scott
- Friday, May 29th at 9am. Blueway Trails Meeting (locations on the rivers to put-in/take out for recreation). Location: Citizen Square – 200 E Berry St. Fort Wayne (room 220). Questions call Kyle Christine Quandt 260-449-7309
- I attended Food Not Lawns Fundraiser and Movie Night at Wunderkammer and did promotions for SMGO.
- Attended the Solidarity Cafe and got to speak with Barbara Ehrenreich (best selling author) – I posed the question, “How do we get people to align with people that have made a difference in the world. (i.e. Dr. MLK, Gandhi etc) – she said “to teach OTHERS HOW to be a leader and use their voice to move change.”
This is what I said at the Allen County Solid Waste Board Meeting in April
Dear Solid Waste Board of Directors, I am the Vice President & founder of Save Maumee Grassroots Organization – we are a local nonprofit that works to protect surface water and our rivers in Fort Wayne. I am representing approximately 300 people today.
We wanted you to know there has been a public out cry to ask there be a designated household hazardous waste drop off location on a regular basis.
I will spare you the full report of all 92 counties in the State of Indiana, but I wanted you to know other communities are embracing a permanent place for people to drop household hazardous waste on a regular schedule.
*Perry County – Monday through Friday and most Saturdays
*Whitley County – every Wednesday
*Indianapolis – every Saturday and
*Marion County has several weekday collections around the County in addition to the Indianapolis collection every Saturday
*Howard County – Mon Tues Thrus and Friday with Wednesday limited service
*Cass County – call to schedule a hazardous waste drop off
*Elkart County – 1st Saturday of every month
*Hamilton County – 2nd Saturday of every month
*Johnson County – Mon-Wed Friday
*Lake, Porter, and LaPorte County Solid Waste Districts are working together to collect household chemicals – open now 8 times THIS YEAR
*City of Carmel – Tuesday through Friday and most Saturdays
*Hendricks County – once per year
*Allen County – once per year
This has become an urgent matter because upon randomly stopping and polling people who work with hazardous chemicals sold on store shelves, most people would answer the question I posed:
What are you going to do with the leftover substance when you are done?
There were several answers that continued again and again….
#1 – going to put leaves, couch stuffing, rugs (or other porous material) in the container and then put it in the trash
#2 – going to pour it on unwanted plants they wanted to kill
#3 – put it in the trash
women were the only ones that answered – store it #4
Save Maumee is looking for a designated place the public can drop off household hazardous waste on a regular schedule.
The public would understand a posted sign stating DO NOT LEAVE MATERIALS HERE – but IF there were materials left on the front porch, it would still NOT be going into our landfills or surface water.
To be green and offset costs, you could use a Product Exchange Program: Cleaning, automotive, and garden products would be donated by residents to the Product Exchange Program for other residents to take home and repurpose. This free program is available at all of the county’s permanent HHW sites.
With all the work going into Riverfront Development and how important the economy is closely tied to our most important resource our three rivers. As the 2nd largest City in the State we should set the example for other communities, not trail behind. This is perfect time to provide the public with a drop off site more than the once per year – in September – Tox Away Day.
IF you are concerned with cost of such a program, please look to the manufacturers and distributors of these hazardous products to reclaim what they have made money selling on there store shelves to the public.
You have the ability to protect the public. Thank you for your time.
Respectfully submitted,
Abigail King
Save Maumee Grassroots Organization Inc. View President & Founder
Agenda April 6, 2015
I. Call to Order 7pm – Save Maumee President
II. Introductions
III. New Member Recognition & Membership Call– Save Maumee Secretary
IV. Earth Day
V. River Summit
Agenda March 9, 2015
I. Call to Order 7pm – Save Maumee President
II. Introductions
III. Reports
A. New Member Recognition & Membership Call– Save Maumee Secretary
1. Treasurer report for 2014
IV. Approve Minutes for Monday Monthly Meeting – Save Maumee Secretary
V. Upper Maumee Implementation Conference discussion: SAVEMAUMEE:PRINTERSPAIRS
A. Save Maumee’s Campaign Action Strategy
B. Follow-up with strategy from attendees:
1. mass of information: video, maps, pictures, conference responses, media reports, THANK YOU NOTES
2. Communication to the masses: Purpose
3. Curt Meyer map creation from 141 mile canoe trip progress
Day 1: http://arcg.is/1E5egNU
Day 2: http://arcg.is/1ALQaoD
Day 3: http://arcg.is/1E2OIP0
VI. Set Dates:
* Earth Day DATE?
* Board Meeting
* Governance Meeting
* Outreach/Education/Events
* Fundraising
Adjourn 8:30pm
February 2, 2015 – Meeting was cancelled due to weather
January 6, 2015 AGENDA
I. Call to Order 7pm – Save Maumee President
II. Introductions
III. New Member Recognition & Membership Call– Save Maumee Secretary
IV. Approve Minutes for Monday Monthly Meeting – Save Maumee Secretary
V. Upper Maumee Implementation Conference – SIGN UP NOW
A. Hand outs will be provided for discussion on Implementation Conference
1. Implementation Conference Agenda
2. Short List for Implementation Strategies
3. PLANNING COMMITTEE Implementation Conference AGENDA
AGENDA for December 1, 2014
I. Call to Order 7pm – Save Maumee President
II. Introductions
III. New Member Recognition & Membership Call– Save Maumee Secretary
IV. Approve Minutes for Monday Monthly Meeting – Save Maumee Secretary
V. Upper Maumee Implementation Conference – Save the date January 24, 2014 from 9am-3:30pm

A. Invitations will be sent out Tuesday Dec. 2nd before 9am to stakeholders in the Plan first, then will be released to the general public
B. SWCD River Summit discussion. What will SMGO’s role be for the River Summit in March 2015.
1. may have to decide after the Implementation Conference because other things may become apparent
VI. Grant Updates – Board Member Lydia Lamont
A. Cedar Tree Grant – nothing yet
B. Media Grant – denied due to funding maximum reached
C. Sierra Club Grant
1. Proposal to establish a formal Partnership with Sierra Club and League of Women Voters
D. Other Grants
VII. Committees
We encourage dedicated Members to join a committees tonight with the exception of the Governance committee, which is composed of the Officers of SMGO INC. On November 10, 2014 the Board of Trustees created the following Committees:
Outreach, Education & Events
Governance- Composed of the Officers of SMGO INC.